Monday, October 17, 2016

Birds nest fern, adding colour to backyard garden

One birds nest fern appeared as tiny baby beside Kakdah's roses pot sometime last year. I quickly had it transferred in a pot half filled with soil and let it grow under shade. It had grown big and healthy now.

The other three were taken from Hamimah's place in Sungai Batu recently. She has an acre full of matured oil palms which play host to different type of fern on their stems. We took three and they are adjusting to living in pots now.

birds nest fern
bangchik and kakdah backyard

If bird nest fern is well exposed to sunlight, its colour is yellowish green.  Under heavy shade, the colour will be a lot greener. 

bangchik and kakdah
Putrajaya Presint 8


  1. Replies
    1. birds nest fern is one of the most exotic tropical element... yes very tropical indeed.

  2. yes, it has to stay indoor in cooler climate

  3. I have seen them at oil palm estates...Never thought to bring and plant them nicely like you! You're really creative! ;)

    1. You can try bringing one down to your garden. This birds nest fern can live on its own without watering.

  4. Every time I visit your blog it seems as if you're showing a plant growing outside that we only view as a houseplant. Very interesting to see.

    1. Life is fair Victoria...., I cant grow apple tree in my backyard garden. :)
