Friday, October 14, 2016

moringa flower buds.

His name is Syed, our neighbour at the back.  His moringa tree had grown very tall and produced a lot of fruits (or moringa drumsticks). During one strong gust of wind, branches fell. He offered a branch, if I wish to grow.  Moringa tree can be grown from cuttings and seeds.  That moringa cutting had grown almost 20 feet and now  is ready to bear fruits. Its a bit quick I guess, just slightly over a year since I last planted them.  The flowers are still at bud stage.

Moringa flower buds at lower branch

Moringa flower buds on the main branch

The Moringa tree.

Kakdah had used moringa shoots as additions in scrambled eggs, and now she is contemplating her first  moringa drumsticks curry!!

Bangchik and Kakdah
Presint 8 Putrajaya


  1. That's so interesting. Our moringa have already died. Termite always be a problem on growing moringa by cutting in my garden.

    1. There are termites here too but so far, they are quite friendly with moringa
