Thursday, November 10, 2016

Oxalis barrelieri remains as weeds

Much has been said about Oxalis barrelieri on its medicinal benefits,  but it remains as weeds, growing freely as it likes.. Since my lawn is regularly mowed, it cant appear in the center of things.  True to its wild traits,Oxalis barrelieri emerge at awkward places where lawnmower would not  venture; flower pots, edges of lawn, near drains, underneath trees.  

The berries taste exactly like starfruits (belimbing),  therefore it is widely known as belimbing tanah or belimbing pasir in Malaysia.

Oxalis barrelieri - Belimbing pasir

Oxalis barrelieri - Belimbing pasir

Oxalis barrelieri - Belimbing pasir

Oxalis barrelieri - Belimbing pasir

Bangchik and Kakdah
Putrajaya Backyard Garden


  1. I have seen them in my hometown! The fruits are edible? I didn't know it! I just remove them all the time!

    1. edible indeed... some say they help people with diabetes and high blood pressure.

  2. Arwah abah pernah bgtau,pokok ni bagus untuk darah tinggi..tapi tak sempat tau cmna proses dia..Cuba makan buah dia, masam...sedap tapi kecik..hehe

  3. How are you? Are you traveling? I hope you're enjoying your holidays.

    1. We both are fine.. children are mostly away, 2 of them working and the youngest is about to finish his degree. Yes we travel here and there..... :)

  4. I've never seen this beautiful little plant before - thanks for sharing. Quite interesting that the berries taste like starfruit.
