Monday, February 27, 2017

Papaya, short lived dreams.

Dreams of good harvest had been short lived with papaya lately.  Leaves turned yellow over a week or two, and the whole papaya tree became weak and died within two weeks.  I guess it's erwinia papayae   a bacterial pathogen, at work. It's also known as bacterial crown rot.

Pic 1: affected papaya tree probably due to erwinia papayae bacteria

Pic 2: healthy papaya tree nearby



  1. The papaya has beautiful leaves.

  2. Oh gosh I am so sorry. We often have leaves that go brown and fall. I try to have a few papaya trees growing at the same time, and some little ones coming up. when they get too tall I cut them down.

    1. Its quite frustrating to lose papaya tree at that stage.

  3. Hello!
    I love papaya but have never seen how it grows. Beautiful plant!
