Thursday, April 23, 2009

Passing its prime, abandoned ...

An overgrown tree, passing its prime, abandoned....... This is a large rubber tree, once planted almost everywhere in Malaysia, before the introduction of oil palms.... The scars on the bark is the mark of an activity called rubber tapping, where a very thin cut is made on the bark and latex will ooze out collected in a cup down below... I snapped these photos on the way home from weekend trip to Pahang. The exact spot was about 5 kilometres from Ulu Bendul. Malaysians call rubber tree as pokok getah.



still productive
look at the fresh cut at the bottom of the scar

still productive

So, natural rubber comes from this tree!... artificial rubber comes from something else..


  1. Thanks for the rubber tree demonstration. It helps to see where things originally come from.

  2. Kinda sad to see the abandoned tree, it's like disposable things in the society.

  3. very interesting, thank you for showing us the pictures.

  4. Maybe it's good it has been abandoned; those scars look sore! I hope it can live the rest of it's days just growing happily.

  5. >Prospero, Vuejardin, Kewee, carrie... I am glad some us do show symphaty to rubber trees, on scars and on being abandoned.... Life is a replica of what we see in this rubber trees. Sacrifice is a noble thing though..... so rubber trees has gone through multi-sacrifices!! .... cheers! ~ bangchik
