Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Really True Blue Flower

Senduduk in my earlier post on (click here), is the most common. Those below are the other variety, with slightly different leaves and flowers..... They plant these senduduks in rows at Belum Rainforest Resort..... I simply fell in love with the real true blue flowers.... someone may say the flowers are more purple than blue in color... Oh well.... At least the buds has no shade of purple at all, just pure, rich, solid and real blue!!

Do you have true blue flowers in your plot?


  1. I love the true blue flowers also. I really do not like it when what I call purple is described as blue by horticultural growers or sellers.It must be beautiful to see them at the resort.

  2. I LOVE blue flowers! I do have some in my garden that have seeded themselves from my neighbors' garden. However, they are not in bloom yet. They are in the tradescantiia family. I also love blue hydrangeas and LOVE Himalayan blue poppies, but they would never survive in my climate!!! I agree with Hocking Hills Gardener about calling purple flowers blue -- don't like it! Once again, beautiful photos!

  3. Oh, forgot to mention...Heavenly Blue morning glories -- love them the best!

  4. I have that same plant. Here they call it a Tibouchina or Princess Flower. I have two of them and I love them. I took pictures of mine also, posting them soon.

  5. I think it's also known as Singapore Rhododendron (Melastoma malabathricum). Beautiful flower.

  6. This blue flower is so charming. I like it :-)

  7. Wow, that is Stunning!!!!!

  8. I never know, the same plant is known by many names..... Thanks everyone!!!... see ya

    ~ bangchik

  9. Wow .. Senduduk looks so gorgeous in this picture. I love the deep blue.

  10. Our Nigella damascena is a nice blue color.

  11. > Lili, Kim and Victoria....
    Thanks that you like blue flowers... Will visit K & V's blog to see Nigella damascena....

    ~ bangchik
