Friday, June 26, 2009

Caterpillars and my veggies.

How two caterpillars had a great feast. Two plants were affected, so each caterpillar had a plant to itself.....

It is quite fascinating,
how caterpillars assembled their droppings
in a neat pile
one on top of another
like pyramid.

they do that on purpose to intimidate me?


  1. How dissappointing to feed the caterpillar with your plants.

  2. Its good that you can photograph them so clearly. By looking at the location of their droppings, we can find hte caterpillars easily and decide what to do with them, I mean for example, send them away or let them grow up to become butterflies.

  3. > Joanne.

    It is disappointing in a way to see caterpillars eating the green leaves.... Then again, there are those who rear caterpillars or butterflies, for their beauty and for silk.

    But I took them off.....

    ~ bangchik

  4. > Autumn Belle

    I wasnt looking for the caterpillars actually. But the sight of the half eaten leaves and their green droppings are so stark to miss....

    ~ bangchik

  5. I cover all my brassica plants with netting to stop the butterflies from laying their eggs on them. The caterpillars love feasting on brassicas and there'd be no plants left if the caterpillars found them.

  6. > Jo...

    I dont grow many, so the veggie never miss my eyes. We are somewhat lucky because only two caterpillars were around, attacking two plant. Anyway we seldom see butterflies here...

    Anyway good suggestion, we may just try later if caterpillars are a real pest.

    ~ bangchik

  7. How upsetting to have that two caterpillars feasting the plants. Am sure will get rid of them the moment I see one. Looks like 'sayur taiwan' there..

  8. How fortunate that there were only two and not an army of them! But sad that there were any at all to eat your plants! Val

  9. Wow. That's kind of gross. Ha ha ha. Are you intimidated?

  10. I have all sorts of problems with my veggies at the moment. Caterpillars will be the next to strike I am sure. I may cover them as Jo suggests. The piles of droppings are very sculptural if nothing else !

  11. > FJL ...

    Quite upset i admit.., but we can be generous right... haha.

    ~ bangchik

  12. > Valeri

    If an army turns up.., I simply dont have patience to sit, look, zoom and shoot.... I probably just go mad... haha.

    ~ bangchik

  13. > Kim and Victoria

    I was very much intimidated with the pyramid!!... they were showing off... haha.

    ~ bangchik

  14. > Clare B

    So far I dont have any other problem with my vegetables .... Caterpillar strikes were just one off.... the other plants are still sound and healthy. There is nothing much we can do... just wait and see. Whenever we see one, just spring into action!!

    The pile is very artistic... green creative art!!

    ~ bangchik

  15. I've never understood how a little caterpillar can make so much poop! Are the dropping at least good for the garden? At least then they'd be giving something back.

  16. > JGH

    Caterpillars grow very fast, doubling their size in matter of hours. Eat a lot so poop a lot too!!... yes, they give artistic green compost!!

    ~ bangchik
