Thursday, June 25, 2009

Flooding paddyfield for planting.

Just a brief stop by the roadside, as we got out of the North-South highway through Kuala Kangsar heading towards Gerik. The place is known as Lubuk Merbau. Paddy had been cultivated there all this while. Each time I pass through this area, I will stop for a short while to view things.

The field is flooded for the next planting, and there was a machine, ploughing the soil.


  1. This is fascinating Bangchik. Lovely pictures. Val

  2. Thanks Bangchik interesting post.

  3. Interesting post Bangchik, Thanks!

  4. Looking at your picture makes me realise how much work and effort is put in just to put food on our table. I must remember not to be wasteful. Rice is so important in our asian diet. Glad you took time to capture this moment and show it to us.Cheers!

  5. very cool! thanks for posting.

  6. Never seen that before. Thanks for sharing.
    Very cool.

  7. Hello Bangchik & Kakdah! I only saw paddy field in Kedah coz I studied there. I like to see how the field progresses too. The pictures really reminded me of those days. Have a great day!

  8. >Valeri
    >Outside In
    >Autumn Belle
    >Patsi 'Garden Endeavors'

    It used to be once a year... padi planting. Then with new seeds and proper irrigation, now it is customary for 2 or 3 times a year. Agreeably, the whole thing is hard work, before the white rice ends up on our dinner plate.

    So stephanie is very much familiar with paddy, after spending sizeable study years. So paddyfield is not foreign to her...

    Cheers!! Stay tune......
    ~ bangchik

  9. A sea of paddy field. Sejauh mata memandang. Mendamaikan bila padi menguning..chewah! siap dengan sajak sekali..haha..

  10. > FJL

    Have a nice weekend.... and eat a lot of mangga wani to fight off flu .....

    ~ bangchik
