Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Let Basil roam and play.

Basil is just like spinach, the seeds sprout with no second thought. Seedlings are easy to recognise when they are at two-leaves..... We place five of them on the ground, at different locations. They are growing.... and we are waiting for the first pagoda-like bloom!!

It all started with the first basil plant Kakdah bought at taman pertanian. So these are the second generation basil in our care .... Basil will germinate once the seeds absorb some water, so easy and quick. What a plant!... active plant as fast as spinach in sprouting.

flowering soon..


  1. They look great, they do have pretty flowers when they bloom.

  2. So Delicious! Basil is quite the amazing plant... it is my favorite herb :)

  3. Very nice, I am looking forward to see the flowers too :)

  4. I should run and look at my basil plants now!Thanks for the idea of gathering seeds!

  5. I wish I could grow Basil like this! It is not warm enough here so I need to pamper my plants in the warmth of the greenhouse

  6. It's always rewarding collecting your own seed and planting.

  7. I wish my basil is growing as happily as yours. Mine on the balcony is not getting as much light as it wants. Yet, that's the best I can provide for it now - Sandy @Gardening on Cloud 9

  8. its so amazing to me that we live far apart but have the same things growing in our gardens at the same time. basil is one of my favorites.

  9. > gardenerprogress/Catherine

    White blooms... but i love its pagoda like blooms... so striking especially when the flowers turn brown.

    ~ bangchik

  10. >Pooka
    >Sandy W

    Our first basil is growing in pot. Very aging, and I dont it will grow any further. All flowers turn brown and leaves getting yellowish and there is no sign of new shoots. I just imagine that basil will die after it completes flowering and seeds are formed.

    Putting basil on the ground is aur first attempt.... So far all five is growing fine, in fact its flowering. The first petals are very much visible... WHITE!!

    Never mind Sandy, growing basil in pots is as fun as on the ground......

    Cheers, Blog On!
    ~ bangchik

  11. I wish basil would grow that freely in my garden - we have to start it off on the kitchen windowsill. Still at least it's handy for the first tomato salads (still eagerly awaited here in SW London, only another three weeks or so to go:-).

  12. > Scattered Gardener

    I love the way you grow plants seasonally.. then you are much aware of seasons, temperature and climate. We dont really do that here... But we are aware of the slight change between hotspell and wet rainy days. Growing veggies during rainy days is bad luck. So veggies in the market are a little bit more expensive during such period.

    Happy gardening,
    ~ bangchik

  13. Salaaam Bang Chik n Kak Dah....

    the plant called weed probably Ageratum...? Think Ageratum is offered for sale by certain Garden Centres/nurseries in d west....but here it is a weed....errr that is if i have identified it correctly...!!?
