Saturday, July 4, 2009

Orchid and companions.

A few flowers that we have with us


  1. > Charlotte ..
    Thanks for the drop.... Flowers are beautiful and bright for half of the day... Come afternoon, they limp a little bit... But photographs make their beauty frozen, and last... for much longer.
    ~ bangchik

  2. Hi there!
    Thank you for the nice comment in my blog. Youre garden looks really nice. So many plants that would never survive here in Norway.

  3. > TurboLotte..
    Its OK... what cant survive in Norway, will continue growing here, and you can always pop in to view them. Thanks for the visit.
    ~ bangchik

  4. Lovely, lovely photos (and the flowers themselves aren't too bad either, he he!!) Have a nice day!

  5. > Jan (Thanks For 2 Day)
    Thanks.. Nothing special about the flowers, very ordinary... I just want to potray that ordinary beauty!.. haha.
    ~ bangchik

  6. Beautiful photos. I love the lavender blooms in the last one against the purple foliage.

  7. > Hocking Hills Gardener
    Thanks for the visit... such a contrast against purple foliage, glad you like it.

    > gardenerprogress/Catherine
    Orchid just pass its prime... Every part seems to be drooping a little bit.. It should be brighter and fresher the moment it bloom.

    ~ bangchik
