Sunday, July 5, 2009

Slender and edible Keladi

I bought four keladi [local edible caladium] from the market and Kakdah used two for her special masak asam pedas keladi. The other two were planted on a cool spot, shaded by banana. They grew after sulking a while, One closest to banana plant grew healthily, the other one just, sulked stubbornly, refused to grow and died ....

Two months with us now.... We create a suitable setting for keladi because we know how this keladi loves wet and rich soil... A small compost pile an inch away, to simulate its natural habitat. I take real pleasure in giving it an extra dose of daily watering. We will let this keladi to grow a while longer until it babies a few more.....

the leaf

the stem

we dont eat the leaves,
only the stem and the bulb.


  1. I enjoy keladi. May I know how you cook the stem? Is it lemak style?

  2. Who would have thunk...edible caladium.
    Gotta eat more veggies !

  3. Kakdah did asam pedas most of the time ... a very thin soup, little bit of blended chili, daun kesup (the one used in laksa) and bunga kantan. The soup taste like laksa penang, except it is a lot thinner and milder. Kakdah never did lemak style.
    ~ bangchik

  4. > Patsi 'Garden Endeavors'

    Not all caladium is edible. Whats known to us is handed down through generations. Either natural instinct, what to eat and what not to or through trial and error. If its purely trial and error, then there must be a lot of mishaps along the way....
    Older generations remind us to observe birds and other animals. What they pick and eat, is normal safe for humans.

    ~ bangchik
