Thursday, July 23, 2009

Putting art into lamp posts.

is a showcase for lamp post
among others.

Shots at Precint 15, Putrajaya.


  1. I never thought I would call a lamp post pretty to look at but those are so nice. They are a necessity so why not make them look pretty.Even the red light looks so much better.

  2. If the lamp post that the council decided to 'plant' right outside my house, so that the light shone right in through my bedroom window, had looked like that, I wouldn't have kicked up so much of a fuss that they duly came back to 'dig' it back up again.

  3. Very pretty; from the side there is a part that almost looks like a lily with its pistil or stamen sticking out!

  4. How pretty. Reminds me of the Gingerbread detail on old Victorian homes.

  5. politicians can use our money for tasteful lamp posts, trash cans, etc. just as easily as awful ones. the problem is once we get the ugly ones we are stuck with them for years. these are beautiful!

  6. > Hocking Hills Gardener
    > Jo
    > Islandergardener
    > Janet
    > Jaz

    Even these beautiful lamp posts will not remain perpetually beautiful without keen maintenance work. Along the main streets, any collapse will quickly be rectified. Those at the end of streets, or some where well hidden out of traffic route, they will not enjoy the same treatment.

    A fall, a collapse, will probably take a longer time for rectification.

    Yes, politicians or rather municipal people has a lot of responsibility to after streets furniture, lamp posts included. Most of the time, they are OK!!.... haha.

    Cheers, Have a great day. and start looking at lamp posts and check if they are working or beautiful!!

    ~ bangchik

  7. > Thanks Catherine,
    There are other designs as interesting as these all over Putrajaya...
    ~ bangchik

  8. Beautiful! I would love to see more designs!

  9. > theurbanfieldguide

    Just wait!!
    ~ bangchik

  10. I love these! How wonderful to find art in the everyday! Great captures Bangchik!!

  11. > Beegirl...

    Life is an art ... right beegirl?
    ~ bangchik
