Friday, July 24, 2009

The stages of chives's blooms

[ or Kucai.. ]

White flowers
open up in stages

originally they were in two clay pots
Now three!!
Chives seem to like well drained soil.
And they need regular watering to stay upright!

We have been keeping chives for more than a year. Originally a giveaway plant by Kakdah's Mom. Chives just need water and a little bit of fertilizer to keep them green and healthy.


  1. All Alliums are interesting to watch when they open - in fact the flower buds are part of their charm as are the seed heads after flowering.

  2. > Easygardener.
    Thanks for the visit and comment. Yes, they are interesting to watch especially when the bulge is tight enough to break the other thin sheath....

    ~ bangchik

  3. Wow, the 'kuchai' plant is flowering now! This is the first time I see the opened flowers. I like to buy the kuchai with flower buds from the market and cook omelette with it. But if it is from my own garden, I won't eat it. Too precious. I think I want to grow chives too but where to get the seeds?

  4. Beautiful photos of such a delicate and graceful flower. And tasty too! What a gift. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Oh chives... you really reminded me about this vege. I have not get it for sometime... Autumnbelle also reminded me about the omelette. Ok, I would get this vege on my next 'marketing' trip ;-)

  6. > Autumn Belle
    > Ancel
    > Stephanie

    I dont know if people really grow chives from seeds... Chives grow as bulbs in the soil and keep having baby bulbs around them. Split the bulbs and we have more pots. I thought I have seen chive seeds sold in packets at the supermarket before.

    They are delicately beautiful as the outer sheath breaks and let out little flowers inside. I agree with you Ancel.

    So, go to the market and ask for bunga kucai. Steph, omelette and cucur udang is tasteless without chives and chive buds. ... haha..

    Have Fun,
    ~ bangchik

  7. > carrie
    Thanks... pretty yes, but too small to attract attention!
    ~ bangchik

  8. I had the purple bloomed reseeded allllllll over the place! Your white bloom is very pretty.

  9. > janet, Thanks.
    Our chives has not gone to that stage yet, reseeding. Their growth very much constrained in pots.... I plan to put them on vegetable bed soon... and see if reseeding is going to be tolerable or not. Kakdah shows her concerned if in the end we got mixed up with zephyr lilies.. They look very much alike!

    ~ bangchik

  10. > Victor,
    Thanks for the drop and comment. I had visited the links. They are useful indeed!
    ~ bangchik

  11. Sounds easy growing chives. I have started a small plot and am growing bittergourd with flowers showing. Just planted some tomatoes too.

  12. > Keats

    As far as growing them in pots, I can guarantee it is a lot easier compared to onions...

    Good luck to your bittergourd and tomatoes.

    ~ bangchik
