Friday, August 7, 2009

Aging zinnia...


In an effort
to portray elegance
the last moment


  1. Enjoy to the last moment.

  2. Bangchik, zinnias are very beautiful flowers and I like the colours. I don't know why some of my zinnia flower heads start to droop just as it begin to bloom. It looked like the head is too heavy. I am still puzzled and trying to figure out what to do now.

  3. Oh wow, so that is what they look like when they die, the colour holds on until the very end. I had some zinnias but they became infested with aphids nad spider mites so I had to let them go early.

  4. What a metaphor. Poignant. I love zinnias. They always seem the hardiest and sunniest. Ours haven't come yet -- all the rain. But I await them, their youth and their decline. THANK YOU!

  5. Bangchik I was at Putrajaya yesterday. I am so impressed with the many trees that are planted along the roads as compared with a year ago. It is a nice place to live in. Oh btw, I went to Floria too. Hey I didn't see the hot air balloon? I have not planted zinnia before. But it does sounds interesting ;-) Have a wonderful day.

  6. > MNG
    > Princess
    > Belle

    Elegance is very much visible as the flower passes its prime. The color holds. Thanks MNG, PRINCESS and BELLE. The drooping of flower head, I am not too sure Belle. I notice how the stalks bend a little bit as the flowers increase number of petals...

  7. > Prue
    > June
    > Steph

    The subject of my post is a little bit sad, but thats the truth, the fact that every living thing has to go through the life cycle... I just scrutinize an important element that go through each phase of life.. The elegance!!.. PRUE, so sorry to see them go early. We may see zinnias soon in JUNE blog i guess. Putrajaya is full of trees and flowers STEPH. I cant imagine the number of workers employed to look after them. But its worth it. Hot air balloons; near the eating stall at the main entrance.

  8. You do make something very elegant out of this fading flower. I think I'd rather see this graceful decline than a bare stalk, with the flower snipped off as soon as it starts to show wear.

  9. > Linda,

    Thanks for your nice comment. Gardening brings us close to nature and be part of the big web called LIFE. Graceful decline is part of that LIFE cycle... Happy gardening Linda,
