Saturday, August 8, 2009

Painting red on green

Land has to be cleared to pave way for development, red replacing what used to be green. I just had a feeling that RED could never blend with GREEN.........

In due time, the developer will put back the green once the construction is completed. The new green will never be like the original green. How can it be?.....

But somehow we move on with all the inconvenience, and make the best out of everything. That has always been the way.

Shots in Kelantan.


  1. I always think of the song Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell. One of the lines in the song is-- they paved paradise to put up a parking lot.

  2. It looks like Earth is sad and bleeding. Its lovely green skin has been peeled off for development.

  3. Never fails to break my heart. Why do some of us care so much -- while some of us care so little?

    Thanks for caring!

  4. The red soil look interesting to me :-) But green is gone :-( how sad. Nevertheless, have a great weekend Bangchik, Kakdah!

  5. lovely capture!

  6. > Amanda
    > Janet
    > Belle

    AMANDA, the soil here has varying color depending where we are. Hills has red soil normally, lowlands has darker, clayey or loamy kind of soil. As hills are cut open, the soil is bleeding RED as BELLE pointed out

    Now I can almost hear the guitar work as Joni is repeating the line "they paved paradise to put up a parking lot" over and over again with varying tone and pitch. Thanks JANET.


  7. > June
    > Steph
    > Flyingstars

    Thanks JUNE. But that's the way life goes. A dualistic kind of road running parallel. The haves and the have nots. Those who care, and those who doesn't.

    I agree with you STEPH on the effect of painting red on green, striking and colorful. Whats supposed to be joyous is in fact very sad. I just came back from Floria2009. The balloon and the machine was still there, covered with blue canvas. The operator wasn't around.

    Thanks FLYINGSTAR.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Oh, I hope they replace it with something beautiful. I'm curious what it will look like - hope you'll show us a picture when it's done!

  9. > JGH
    I hope it's going to be beautiful too, whatever they want to be there...

  10. Nature paints often with the most amazing colors.

  11. > Sikantis
    Nature uses natural color... cheers,
