Sunday, January 31, 2010

A cat eyeing bilbo....





Bilbo was looking at mulberry..., a cat was eyeing intensely from behind.... The cat then just walked away.



  1. I guess the cat decided he didn't want to pick a fight with Bilbo lol

  2. Cute kitty. I guess Bilbo didn't look edible; too shiny!

  3. Maybe the kitty just wanted to know what was absorbing Bilbo so much!

  4. Heh, kitty and Bilbo had a staredown and a cat lost for a change? Pretty kitty,though.

  5. Kyna
    Rebecca @ In The Garden
    jodi (bloomingwriter)

    Thanks everyone.

    That cat belongs to Kartini, our little neighbour. Once in a while, she would come around and ask if we see her kitten. She would sit around while both of us were busy tending to our garden. Her usual conversation would always begin with "Pakcik, what are you doing..." Pakcik is uncle.

    Bilbo is shining with gold colour, and that must have pulled back the cat's step.

    Have a good Sunday everyone. Cheers.
    ~bangchik and kakdah.
    Putrajaya Malaysia

  6. Bilbo is a VVIP at your home now! With all the buzz, the cat is certainly curious ;-D Nonetheless, Bangchik, I hope by now you are all charged up for the busy week ahead. Have a pleasant Sunday evening!

  7. >>>>>>>>>> Stephanie

    He really is a VVIP. I suppose he comes with a mission, connecting regional diversity; gardening, plants, flowers, language, culture and climate.

    I have not shown him the real Putrajaya yet. The whole next week, will be reserved just for him. I really like to show him a few landmarks of Putrajaya. Prime Minister's Office is most majestic at sunset, and he cant miss that!

    Have a nice Sunday to you too.
    ~bangchik and kakdah.

  8. Can't wait to see the rest of Bilbo's adventures in Malaysia!

  9. Matron

    Bilbo is resting.... things getting too hot for him.. haha.


  10. I have never seen a yellow cat with spots before. The yellow cats I see are mostly striped. Such a beautiful fur baby! Bilbo was looking for a new friend...
