Monday, February 1, 2010

The start of a new gardening season.



I did some planning for the new gardening season. Each vegetable bed will have mixed concept, with many type of vegetables sharing the same vegetable bed.  I started with tomatoes, and six of of them are the first to fill the empty space. They seemed to be getting on fine coming to the fourth leaves now. The rest are still in little pots.

Rains are still heavy at times, therefore some sensitive vegetables simply cant cope if transferred into the bed now... I am germinating some of the seeds given by Gittan from Sweden; sweet peas, chives and radish. I am anxious to see the progress of sweet peas and radish especially, since these are new to me....

Happy Gardening,
Putrajaya, Malaysia


  1. Good luck, Bangchik! I hope your garden will make you happy this season!

  2. Such an exciting time - starting the new season. I hope that your broad beans do well for you. I only started growing them last year - and I love them now!

  3. New growth is always a welcome sign!

  4. Dear Bangchik, I am so pleased that you have returned to the subject of your vegetable garden. Home grown tomatoes are out of this world, so different in taste from those bought in a shop. I do hope yours do well.

    Sweet peas are a great favourite of mine so I shall be interested to watch how yours progress.

  5. You have a good start here..I have some seedlings poking up too!

  6. The start of new vegetable season is always so exciting!
    I have to wait for one month more before I start tomato seeds... can’t wait...

  7. It's so exciting when we start planting seeds for the new gardening season. It must be even more exciting than usual now that you are germinating seeds which you haven't grown before.

  8. It is so thrilling to see a new little tomato growing there. He looks so sturdy and healthy, obviously happy to be in your care. :)

    Do let us know what you think of radishes. They are fairly easy to grow here, but your conditions are so different!

  9. very exciting...I still have a few more weeks to go, but I'm getting there...collecting all my supplies...

  10. Most of the people really like gardening.I am sure they will really like this post because they will learn a lot by reading this article.

  11. It is a good idea to plant different vegetables together. I also do it. Hope you have success :-)

  12. I love growing tomatoes at home - taste so much nicer that store ones. Is your sweet pea a vegetable or a flower? We have a pretty flower in Australia called sweet peas - my Dad grows them every year. Have fun in your garden :)

  13. It's lovely to see those little tomato seedlings emerging Bangchik! I've some seedling that I had sown quite late for our summer and I'm trying to will them to grow by sheer mental power!

  14. Tatyana@MySecretGarden ~ I do hope 2010 will offer some interesting gardening experience. You too Tatyana.

    Karen - An Artist's Garden ~ I really am anxious to see how the new plants progressing.

    Katarina (Roses and stuff) ~ what i love about new season is the anxiety and anticipation... worth the wait!

    Edith Hope ~ Tomatoes have been the regular feature of our little garden. We plant them every year... so far success is rather mixed. I hope this time round, the harvest is bountiful!

    Darla ~ what i show are the good ones... some seeds refuse to grow, some little pots are empty with zero germination. I begin to appreciate about the advantage of having fresh seeds to ensure excellent germination.

    vrtlarica ~ A month away is not far, soon you will be reporting your progress.

    Jo ~ It really is exciting to attempt new seeds; radishes and sweet peas.

    Meredith ~ tomatoes are doing fine right now, the fourth leaf is almost the replica of the matured leaves. I got problem with radishes and sweet peas because I forgot to tag them. Now I don't know which is which. I search through google, I think what's germinating now is the radishes. I will do a post about it soon.

    Wendy ~ collecting seeds, planning where to grow and when is as exiting as actually doing it!

    hydroponics ~ thanks for your comments, yea... my post is rather brief to really be of great use to gardeners. But it may just stir a little bit of enthusiasm to garden!

    Ann ~ good luck to your spring onions.

    lotusleaf ~ have them mixed in the garden bed is just being practical. I need just a little bit of each to suit our kitchen consumption.

    Leah ~ home grown tomatoes are more crunchy! and I dont know about these sweet peas, but the packet put lovely pictures of the flower. I guess they are not the edible type. Got to check with Gittan from Sweden.

    gippslandgardener ~ I wish I can do that " will them to grow by sheer mental power". There are people who talk to plants and relay the expectation, and somehow plants react accordingly!!... haha.

    Cheers everyone, and thanks to your lovely and encouraging comments.

    Putrajaya, Malaysia.

  15. I'm happy to see you back in your veggie garden and starting a new season. Always an exciting time of year, with great hope for a good harvest. I's planting time here in southern California USA as well, but you've got the jump on me in starting seedlings.

    Please stop by my Green World blog and see my new chickens! Just got them yesterday and am so excited.

  16. >>>>>>>>Thanks Lou Murray for the visit and comment. Yes, I am starting a new season, but the sky is still pouring heavy rain at times which could hurt baby seedlings. So, I really have to delay the transplanting a little bit, allowing seedlings to gain strength, health and height. But tomato is the starter!

  17. Oh Bangchik I hope you are successful with the sweetpeas - they are just wonderful to pick and have in a vase - they more you pick the more they flower. I am surprised you don't have radishes over there. They are delicious. Rosie :)

  18. >>>>>> leavesnbloom, Thanks Rosie, I hope this adventure of growing something new is going to be fun and exiting. ~bangchik

  19. Thanks for visiting my garden, Bangchik. I see you've been very busy. I'm planning my own little vegetable garden this year and want to try sweetpeas, too.

    Sorry to hear that you're having torrential rains.

  20. >>>>>>>carolyn gail
    Good luck to your new vegetable garden.., and soon we are able to compare notes on sweet peas. Torential rains are very much part of our climate, we make do with all the inconvenience and make necessary adjustment. ~bangchik

  21. Oh, to see little sprouts of green is exciting. I need to make a place where I can have many little pots planted with seeds. It would need to be a place where my cat couldn't get to them.

    Enjoyed your post and the photos.


  22. donna,
    I tried several places for little pots, nothing to do with cats but the best possible place for germination; the right temperature!! ~bangchik
