Saturday, February 13, 2010




The lamp post is a little bit to the right of our house. It brightens the pedestrian walkway as the sun goes down. But that very same lamp post is a favourite hangout for many birds, including this burung gembala kerbau

The time then was a little bit late . After a quick rest at the top, the bird shot up, and flew to her home somewhere. I managed to get just one aerial snap, but the picture is awkward and haunting. 

gembala kerbau on the grass

 gembala kerbau 



  1. Dear Bangchik, It is so lovely, through your photographs, to experience wildlife which is quite unknown, at least to me, in the UK.

  2. The bird does look rather scary in flight, but like a regular bird in your last photo. Thank you for sharing your pictures.

  3. Looks like it is getting ready to pounce on something. LOL! It is pretty though.

  4. Awesome shot of the bird. I think it so neat how it is flying. Haunting indeed.

    Tomatoes look great! I am hoping for lots of red ones for you soon!

  5. Every time i visit I just say WOW! Your pictures are always very cool.jim

  6. I'm always impressed with your camera, now I'm impressed with your camera skill!

  7. Edith Hope
    Hocking Hills Gardener
    Jim Groble
    Ocean Girl

    I think the bird is pushing upwards to create an airlift away from the lamp post before flying away. Its nice to see how the bird tuck in the head and straighten its legs... as HHG said; ready to pounce on something. Its aerial movement is like " up up and away".....

    Thanks to those who thought the pictures do justice to the post. I never attended any formal photography class. More of a hobby. The eyes are looking at things, the fingers and the camera just help to capture the moment.....

    ~ bangchik
    Putrajaya, Malaysia.

  8. Great flight shot Bangchik! Or I should say lift off! Interesting bird... your gembala kerbau ... a kind of raptor I would guess. A hauntingly beautiful sighting! ;>)

  9. It looks like a bird of prey in the first shot, you wouldn't think that the bird in the last shot is the same bird.

  10. CAROL:
    It is a raptor... not that I know of.
    They are of the same bird..... gembala kerbau.


  11. That is a great picture of the Gembala Kerbau in flight! Birds do move quickly so very difficult to get a great pic of them while flying. You did Great!

  12. Skeeter ... yeah, a fraction of a second later, the picture will be of gembala kerbau wings wide open in flying mode... they are quick!

