Friday, February 12, 2010

Tomato doing fine.




It was quite sometime since the last time I give updates on tomatoes. A good start to begin with because the seeds are new, sold in airtight packet from the supermarket. I need 6 plants to suit the gardening plan, but to be on the safe side, 7 seeds were germinated. All of them sprouted. Six of them were planted, and the other one was still growing in the little pot. From past experience, somewhere along the way, one or two may not go through at this tender stage. 

To my surprise, all six seem to be surviving and doing fine. Good weather, well prepared soil, good seedlings arising from freshly bought seeds and better care could just be the contributing factors. Now I am figuring out where to put the single tomato seedlings on another vegetable bed so that it survive through the whole cycle.

Mulch is mostly dried remnants of winged bean plant and a little bit of dried grass as seen in the picture. The plants seem to enjoy the cooler environment provided by the mulch. I think snails will not find it easy to crawl through the mulch to get to the lovely tomato shoots!

We do experience wilting problem in previous attempts, I just hope it wont happen again this time round. Let there be bountiful tomatoes hanging down to cheer everybody up.



  1. Dear Bangchik, These look to be coming on very well. I do hope that they succeed for you.

  2. Tomatoes are my favorites. If I needed to choose only one type of vegetables to live with, I'd choose tomatoes. Yours look promising!

  3. what variety are they Bangchik and are they a cordon or bush type? The garden centers here are starting to sell them that size just now too.

  4. How wonderful that all 7 germinated? What a wonderful problem to have to figure out where to put the 7th :^)

  5. They look like they are coming along just fine. I love tomatoes and wish I could grow them but do not have the garden to do so. Keep us posted on them.

  6. Yes they are doing well. I will be sowing mine in the next day or two but have to bring the trays indoors so the soil warms up first.

  7. Good for you. We're expecting our seed order anytime, it's time to start those seeds.

  8. Those tomatoes are looking great Bangchik. I hope all seven continue to thrive!

  9. ..Are you very sure those snails would find it difficult to crawl on the mulch. All you know they will be happily partying underneath them.
    Do not underestimate them - one morning you might find all your tomato seedling gone.

  10. Bangchik, nice little seedlings there ;-) I like to see those little trees grow. They look cute like that. Have another wonderful day in the garden :-D

  11. GREAT!!! Your seedlings look wonderful! Watch out, though...all of my little ones were chewed to the ground by a rabbit or something similar. :(

  12. They sure look like they're off to a good start!!

  13. They look very healthy! Seeing those seedlings makes me anxious to start some, but it's still a bit early here. Can't wait to see you posting pictures of tomatoes growing on those plants!

  14. Lovely seedlings! I like how you have mulched around them. I’m planning to use more mulch this year, as it is a great way to keep moisture in soil and no weeds.
    I’m starting my tomato seeds in a week.

  15. Tomatoes are indeed doing fine! Make me long for the time to start seeds but it's not for another month. Happy Valentine's day to you!

  16. I will be starting my tomato seeds off soon. Your's look to be very healthy seedlings. You could always grow your 7th tomato plant in a container.

  17. Thanks to your visits and comments.

    Tomato seem to enjoy living in our garden. For the moment they manage to ward off pests. Even little grasshoppers which seem to enjoy zinnia leaves don't bother tomato leaves. Soon I have to fix trellis to support their tender stems and branches. I don't know what type of tomato I am growing now. The seeds packet doesn't say anything.... it just says "tomato"...

    As the plant matures, the true characteristics will show, and then seasoned gardeners among readers maybe able to identify them.

    The 7th plant is still in pot. I think I will put it in container and see how it goes...

    Putrajaya Malaysia.

  18. nothing better than your own home grown tomato. I have one plant in my pot as I came back from Oz too late to grow them.

  19. Anything home grown has very homely taste. They never taste the same as those bought from market. Tomato for one is more crunchier if home grown. Thanks ANN... ~bangchik
