Thursday, March 4, 2010

Radish: count the blessings.


the produce of the day, various shapes.
the better shape, almost round.
the various shapes
some are round.

some has real white flesh

fried with prawns, eggs and onions.

The post sums up the result of our first attempt with radishes, eight altogether. Not all are of good round shape. They are planted so close together, that soil cannot be the determining factor to answer to the varying shapes. The amount of shade or rather the degree of exposure to the sun could be one.  I wish I can really explain... After a couple of attempts, I may be in a better position to clarify why the differences occur .

Kakdah chopped them into thin slices. It is quite interesting to see how some radishes has bleeding flesh. The red color seeps through to give white a new mix. She made a simple menu by frying them with prawns, eggs, onions and garlics. Nice and no leftover!

Now we understand whats meant by some blogging gardeners about radishes having peppery taste.. a little bit hot. All are fairly crunchy... I will keep growing radishes!

Putrajaya, Malaysia


  1. A wonderful radish post Bangchik! I love the photo of all the slices. I love the crunchy hot flavor... they are so filled with beneficial vitamins and minerals too!

  2. Dear Bangchik, Congratulations on your radishes, I have never grown one. The meal prepared by your wife looked absolutely delicious. I am not surprised that there was nothing left for the birds!

  3. they look yummy! i've never had fried radishes before!

  4. They look lovely! I used to grow radishes, but I've never fried them. Hmmm...I wonder if I have room to plant a few this spring?

  5. I have also never tried a fried radish - very interesting. You grew 8 wonderful ones and variety is the spice of life so I for one and glad they were all gloriously different shapes. Bravo to you.

  6. I eat them raw - never fried. Your's looks really delicious. I'm sure you're neighbours will be wanting some from your next harvest.

  7. This is a lovely posting and some great photos as well - enough to get me in the mood for getting our veg patch started for this year... still a bit too cold but v. soon ! Enjoy your week and thank you v. much for picking my recent posting! Miranda

  8. Congratulations on your special harvest! The radishes looks very delicious.

  9. I love how you show all the different shapes that radishes come in.

  10. You may not finish all, just sent one over.


  11. Yes, you've got to thin (pull up seedlings) when the radishes grow too close together or they don't get big. Ever make radish salad? Slice up the radish very thin, slice up celery and onion very thin, toss with lemon juice, olive oil and parsley. Yum. Enjoy!

  12. Is this your first time for radishes? We have some growing now in our cold frame. We love them.
    You're right about the chickens liking meat also. I've been bringing them home some meal worms - it's like candy for them.
    We're about to give up on trying to fence them out of the garden; they keep flying over!

  13. They are beautiful, and so very pretty sliced. I have only had them raw, and find them a little strong. I suspect cooking them would mellow the flavour a little, I may have to try it. :)

  14. Finaly! And how happy I am that you liked them! But you must try to put them in a cold sallad, or on a cheese sandwich, or eat them just the way they are purhaps with a little butter on them... They are tastefull how ever you. I grow mine in full sun and last year I tried to grow them inside the greenhouse where it's very hot in the summer. They turned out well anyhow and I don't think they really care as long as it's warm and they get enoght water. Don't pull them up before they have the round shape, the other ones will get ther if you let them stay in the ground a bit longer/ gittan

  15. Interesting collection of shapes those radishes have grown into.
    I have never eaten cooked radish we always use radish in salads.

  16. That looks so yummy. I haven't tried planting radish. Your photos are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Carol~ i have to look into the content of radishes; its vitamin and minerals.

    Edith Hope~ Just 8 radishes, enough for the two of us.., none for the birds as leftovers.

    roundrockgarden~ You can try fried version of radishes, of course by doing so we have to sacrifice crunchiness.

    Curbstone Valley Farm~ Lets grow radishes this season.

    Carrie~ yea, variety is indeed the spice of life, but that is also an indication of different maturity time.

    Rosie~ The first batch is for us to try... neighbours can wait the subsequent batches..

    Miranda Bell~ I am glad that this post entice some of us to try out radishes this growing season.

    Autumn Belle~ thanks, they look good, but expect better so wait the next harvest.

    Noelle~ each one differs from the rest. Some highlight the issue of each plant matures at different time.

    rainfield61~ rainnie.., are you sure one is enough?

    Jeanne~ I have been thinning spinach which always grow in large quantity.., sometimes I just wonder where they come from. But radishes are of limited edition.., so i hate to thin them... haha.

    Kim and Victoria~ yes this is our first radishes. Your chicken do better without cage, but be prepared with the inconveniences.

    Rebecca @ In The Garden~ Yes, cooking is another way to consume radishes. Who knows, you may like it.

    gittan~ the next time, we will try taking them as salads. I have placed them at various places, with varying degree of exposure to the sun. I am trying to figure out the best place..

    Glennis~ giving cooking a try with radishes.

    eden~ lets make radishes the icon for the next growing season!

    Putrajaya, Malaysia

  18. Well done. Your meal looks delicious. I have only eaten radish in a salad, I will have to have a go at cooking them.

  19. I am not a radish fan, having never eaten them any way but raw in salads. After reading your recipe I may try them again. Sounds delicious. I think your radishes are quite lovely. I like the different shapes!

  20. Jo~ ..... Kakdah fried them with prawns,eggs, onions and garlics which turned out to be quite delicious. We also used a few slices as salad.

    debsgarden~ .... You may want to try kakdah's way...


  21. Last year we grew different colours of radishes, purple, oragne and yellow as well as shades of red.

    It made salads interesting!

  22. Green Lane Allotments ... Oh, it must be fun, growing different colours of radishes.


  23. Radishes are so lovely because they grow quickly. To me the radish has a cheerful appearance, unless the slugs have been at it. LOL My absolute fave radish is the "French Breakfast" variety.

  24. They look wonderful! Maybe, one day I will try radishes. Tomatoes are first on my list. Yours look delish!

  25. Ceara: Radishes are the first to germinate and the first too to be harvested. No slugs here this time.

    Amy: Trying radishes is fun, a real quickie... and my tomatoes are now about to bloom.


  26. A belated bravo for your radish harvest, Bangchik. Sorry I missed this post for a few days.

    I will have to try them in a stir-fry here sometime; here they are usually eaten raw in salads or pickled, but Kakdah's version looks lovely, creative and delicious! :)

  27. Meredith~~~ To stir fry them must begin with the understanding that we will lose the crunchiness. But of course, radishes will be happy to know that they can be served in many other ways...


  28. I have just harvested my white radish yesterday. Only 1 tiny radish.

    Does red radish taste like white ones?

    Just like you, I will continue to grow radishes. It's fun!
