Wednesday, March 3, 2010

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY: threatening gesture




gembala kerbau.

common myna 
..... Acridotheres tristis .....

~ bangchik
Putrajaya, Malaysia.


  1. He looks like he means business!


  2. Dear Bangchik, He really does seem to be strutting about in a very purposeful way!

  3. The closest thing we have to that type of bird here would be the crow. They are very intelligent, and cunning. But I don't think that they are aggressive at all.

    Great to finally see a photo of a myna bird.


  4. Nice looking bird. I love seeing birds from other places. thanks!

  5. He looks like he is up to no good, indeed!

  6. He looks like he knows exactly what he's planning to do. Perhaps he spied a worm or bug?

  7. that is one threatening act indeed! looks like he's about to bully a teeny weeney birdie!

    have a fantastic day!


  8. He looks like he's a bird with a purpose. I wonder what he's up to.

  9. Looks like he got mad and just walked away...frustrated. :)

  10. This guy looks serious! And very handsome.

  11. What a sleek, intelligent looking bird! It reminds me of a cross between the grackles and cedar waxwings we have here.

  12. He looks like he'd pull a knife on you if you turned your back! LOL Cool bird!

  13. That's one tough bird! Good shots of him.

  14. Bangchik, I always check your older post but I always find that I couldn't keep up to your pace! Your posts are getting more frequent.

    I seldom see this kind (common myna) around anymore. The birds with yellow on their chest come to my garden regularly nowadays.

    Happy blogging yeah!

    Btw, good job on the radish. I am begining to learn that we can grow many other plants in our hot climate. And, I hope that radish is the sweet kind :-)

  15. Nice looking guy and he seems to know exactly what to do.


  16. Fierce!! It's like Hitchcock - the birds are going to take over, run Bangchik, run!!!!

  17. Neat pictures Bangchik! Do they mimic sounds like a pet myna bird?

  18. Hi Bangchik - the Common Myna has been introduced here too. It has been successful to the point of threatening native bird species, so your pictures really capture it's aggressive nature for me!

  19. What large feet he has! Too bad if he is threatening native birds! Great photos of his antics Bangchik!

  20. Friends and Bloggers. The bird is harmless. some even keep them as pets and train them to talk. They tend to stay in a small group, normally two or three or four. Never as large as the sparrows. I read somewhere about them practicing monogamy, a life partner.

    It is not their nature to threaten..., but that picture somehow portray that image. The bird was coming towards me looking for food maybe, then realizing I was there, it just did a turn and walked away. I love its purposeful walk...... a glimpse of arrogance and being sure of itself. The step is long, a sure sign of self confidence.

