Monday, August 16, 2010

Growing French Summer Thyme

Thyme, a new plant in the garden.
Out of twenty different seeds from Rockville Maryland , thyme was chosen to be the first. It is the fragrance and the antibacterial properties that I find very interesting. Ancient Egyptians used thyme for embalming, which is the  art and science of temporarily preserving human remains to forestall decomposition. Early civilizations of Egypt and Incas had developed the process of mummification.

References have been warning about germination taking up to 3 weeks. Here, it was just 3 days... Seeds from cooler climate seem to enjoy the warmer weather and they cant wait to see the light of day.

The tiny thyme seedlings came out after 3 days

Thymes after 6 days

Thymes after 6 days 
Thymes after 6 days 

a little bit about thyme

Thyme is a hardy perennial shrub.  The plant grows into an upright bush 12 in. to 18 in. high, and has small, diamond-shaped leaves with margins that curl back onto themselves. Thyme grow best in well drained soil, sunny and dry conditions. Soil too rich in organic matter will produce plants that are large with less fragrance.  It is suggested to cut back thyme to 3 inches high twice during the growing season to encourage vigorous growth.
Its strong flavor complements fish, meat, cheeses, and many vegetables.

I hope the seedlings really are thyme.

bangchik and kakdah


  1. Thank you for the info.. :)

  2. Hopefully you've done it. I find thyme very hard to grow from seed. Always end up giving up and buying seedlings.

  3. I planted mine at the end of May, and yours are way bigger then mine. LOL

    Don't know what I do to my seedlings, but they never seem to grow fast.


  4. Germination takes 3 weeks... and yours germinated is 3 days? Wow,I guess Thyme is really too eager to see how is Putrajaya!

  5. I hope it's thyme too!

    I just read your older posts and was going to say that thyme typically germinates very quickly for me. I love it. It's so easy to cook with, looks really nice in food, and does well with insects too!

    Maybe they're magic seeds ;)

  6. Wow, you got them to germinate so quickly! Amazing! Every herb we grow germinates sooooo slow!

  7. I just love thyme, it is my favourite herb - I put it in everything. They are tiny, tiny seeds and seedlings though. I usually propagate from cuttings in Spring.

  8. Hello Bangchik, I haven't tried growing thyme from seed yet either, but have been collecting up a few different seedling varieties. I'm looking forward to seeing how yours progress!

  9. ~Cath J
    Thanks for your "thank you"... haha.

    The seedlings are alright so far. I think they will go through fine. I saw the second pair of leaves beginning to appear..

    ~Muddy Boot Dreams
    I feel sorry for your seedlings... i guess, seeds from Maryland are enjoying the tropical weather and ready to bask.

    They are very eager indeed. I have problems with parsley, so success with thyme compensates a little bit.

    It better be thyme... haha. Otherwise the excitement ends up as anticlimax. They are going to be fine I think.

    Most seeds germinate within the first week..... Wendy confirms that thyme is quick too in her garden.

    Every new shoot appearing will be greeted here, because we never grew before.

    I have to get these babies into nice looking plants first. Then the possibility of growing from cuttings will be another option.

    I hope they will grow well to the end, not like sweet peas manage only half way through..

    Thanks, have a great day.
    bangchik and kakdah

  10. That was one fast Time!

  11. How interesting, I hope it is your thyme growing. Mine are slow to grow, but are aslo started indoors in Winter. And could the seeds get any smaller??

  12. ~lotusleaf
    yes, rather fast these thyme. I hope they last.

  13. The thyme should grow easy! It self-sows all over my garden. It does like soil that is more dry. I mulch mine with gravel so that it will not rot. Also, thank you for visiting my blog and your kind comments.

  14. ~Gloria
    Thanks for the info. So the next generation of thyme will be as easy as basil, self seeding everywhere in our little garden... ~bangchik

  15. Bangchik, lovely to see that you have thyme growing in the garden! I have never started in here in Virginia from seed; I always purchase plants. But it is such a wonderful herb. May you enjoy it and tell us about the dishes you cook with it.

  16. ~Jeanne
    Something I rarely do, buying ready plants. Veggie and herbs has got to go through the whole cycle..., from seeds to seeds. Judging by the readiness of seeds to germinate, thyme will make our little garden their home. About dishes, kakdah may have something to show later...
