Sunday, August 15, 2010

ulam raja is blooming

Ulam Raja, Cosmos Caudatus 

We are not so eager to cut ulam raja shoots for salads this time round. The row of ulam raja is the central feature of the garden bed near pedestrian walkway. To cut means to cut the whole row, so that the height remains level. I think we cut just once for lunch when the relatives came crowding at our place. It is always nice to treat them with home grown vegetables.
Now the row is flowering, and that will mark the end of their fruitful existence. Out of the four plants and so many side branches, only one very thin lowest branch decides to flower. Soon every branch will race for their limelight!

the row of ulam raja

Three ulam raja flowers

the bud of ulam raja

fresh ulamraja flower

ulamraja flower
a few days later

 The middle flower is about to have seeds hardened.

a week later 
the flowers look different.

about to lose the flowery crown

soon the seeds will turn brown

the third flower

aerial display of ulamraja flower.

The scientific name is Cosmos Caudatus, otherwise it is just known as ulam raja.



  1. Lovely! Cosmos is such an airy plant ... love the soft mauve color.

  2. Bangchik, Is this purple ulam raja the same as the one with yellow flowers? Are the flowers edbile too?

  3. I see your dilemma in cutting vs. not. It's such a pretty plant, especially near the sidewalk. the blooms are exquisite...very cheerful and inviting. However, to sacrifice to the salad...?!?!

  4. The flower of Ulamraja is beautiful.

    Do not know how the flower of ulampermaisuri looks?

  5. Interesting Bangchik that it flowers from the bottom

  6. ~Aaron
    They are pretty, but we have to get close to view.

    They really are airy indeed, at 6 feet with slender stems and stalks.

    I think they are the same. But most people eat purple/pink flowered ulam raja.

    Primarily ulam raja is grown for shoots as salad. But somehow they turn out to be quite ornamental thus the dilemma.. haha.

    Haha.. Haven't seen ulampermaisuri yet. They must be very elusive. Or may be, only the KING can find one....

    Yes, the bottommost branch bloom first... being the eldest may be?

    Cheers, have a great day.

  7. aloha,

    it is pretty, i love the progession of photos also on this plant/flower

  8. ~noel
    Thanks, small but pretty.... and interesting how a bud changes over time, transforming into something else before it ends up as dark brown seeds.. ~bangchik

  9. beutiful flowers and beutiful pictures...

  10. ~ Mama Hani.
    Thanks, they are beautiful. Sedap as ulam, pleasing as flowers.

  11. Very nice photos and thank you for sharing the information.
