Friday, March 11, 2011


 There are days when we feel depressed for no reason at all. Just go out and look at colours. They are soothing.... I will start with blue....


Blue flower

blue flower
blue flower

So many blue flowers
Update: 15.3.2011. 
Thanks Rosie of My garden haven for reminding me the name of the above flowering plant.  I wont forget "plumbago".


hibiscus: red

hibiscus: red
hibiscus: red

hibiscus: red

Mixed colour



All from MIL garden, Sitiawan perak

and you may want to see other blooming friday at Katarina: Roses and stuff

bangchik and kakdah


  1. Your photos are amazing. I love those colors. And "be happy, don't worry", like the song say.
    Have a great day.

  2. Wish there's a "Like" button somewhere...will definitely click on it...=P pretty flowers and beautifully captured on camera lense...^_^ Have a great weekend...^_^

  3. These lovely photos will brighten my day a little I have to go have some rest now (it's 3:23am EST USA)!

  4. It lightens my blue mood a bit looking at your bright coloured flowers Bangchik. Here has been raining from morning till evening, cant go anywhere, even the garden looks so drab with rain-soaked plants!

  5. Hello, Friday is off-day here in Kelantan.

    >> Ellada:
    Yes, what's there to worry, if that hurts you more. For today, we feel sad for friends in Japan, with quake and tsunami.

    >> tooey2010:
    If you like them photos, I am happy already, so the day is less blue. In fact the sky has not been blue for 3 days already. It is nice to have drizzle...

    >> Theanne and Baron
    We are on the opposite side of the globe,so we sort of taking your sun, when you people sleep. Have a nice and happy days ahead.

    >> p3chandan
    The recent wet days in a way had healed painful days without rains. No rain at all here after Raya Cina. At least the grass is GREENING!!

    ~bangchik and kakdah

  6. I see only green cerok Tokun when I feel blue.

    My imagination brings me there.

  7. Your MIL has a colorful garden. About the only color around here is white. White, as in snow. Our day is coming. Spring will eventually make an appearance.


  8. rainfield61 ......
    I can imagine the green Cerok Tokun. I spent two years in a boarding school somewhere there mid 70's. F4 and F5.
    But Tanah Merah isn't supposed to be green!!

    White is nice too... snow or flowers. I wonder why wedding dress is always white....

    ~bangchik and kakdah.

  9. Blues are bright! Pretty flowers in you MIL's garden.

  10. Autumn Belle
    The bright blues will heal feeling blue anytime!

  11. It's definitely a Blue Friday with the Tsunami.

    I remember you mentioned you wanted to add blue to the garden in Putrajaya previously. It was butterfly pea, right?

  12. One
    The only blue here in Tanah Merah garden is clitoria ternatea or bunga telang or butterfly peas. It's double petal here... in putrajaya we had single petal type, and we forgot to take seeds here.

  13. Such pretty clours, everything is still asleep here in the garden.

  14. I came back to view your MILs beautiful flowers and discovered there has been a horrific earthquake in Japan...and a tsunami threatening the islands and countries around the quake center. I too am very worried for my all my blog friends in this area and for all who have been or will be affected by this.

  15. Doc......
    At least your garden manages to get a short nap, and wakes up fresh in Spring. Our garden is working day day out, I wonder if it ever get tired and bored.

    Theanne and Baron.....
    Thanks for your concern. It is safe here for now. Tanah Merah is 40km inland.... We just hope they are alright in Japan..


  16. Vackra foton, som jag blir glad av. Ha dé!

  17. >>> Elisabeth
    tack, blommor är alltid vackra. ( I hope I get that translated right)

  18. The Hibiscus close up is breathtaking.

  19. >>>> Prospero
    Hibiscus never overstay their presence, they bow to say goodbye at the height of beauty and stardom.

  20. Lovely pictures. Colourful flowers always make us feel more cheerful.
    Have a good weekend.

  21. the colours are beautiful, the blue so restful, the red so vibrant and the mixed so delicate and requiring a closer look.
    Gorgeous - flowers do brighten the soul xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  22. Your blue is so pretty, then as you scroll down the red just jumps off the page. Very nice!

  23. easygardener
    To have a colourful life, i suppose we need to be surrounded with colourful things.... and colourful dreams... and colourful character....

    You are right carrie about colours. What painters would be without colours.... aha.

    I need a contrasting colour immediately after blue. Hibiscus is traditionally RED...

    ~bangchik and kakdah

  24. Mmmm i realy love blue flowers, but the red hibiskus are very beutiful / Suss

  25. Lovely kind of blues! I don't mind blue days like this!

  26. How I wish my plumbago can be like the one in your foto. Wonder how your MIL makes it so gorgeous? Ada petua?

  27. Your MIL must be very good gardener like you!
    Very pretty blooms!

  28. Those are really handsome flowers - truly coloured your garden.

  29. The colors of your garden is amazing! Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos. By the way...

    I would like to remind everyone, tomorrow is the last day for certified organic seeds veggies and flower giveaway. I encourage you to enter. Good luck! Visit my blog and tell everyone about the contest

  30. >>>Suss o Kai...
    Thanks, red is very flashy. Pictures were taken in the morning, the best for flowers.

    >>>>kitchen flavours...
    Blue is not the typical colour for flowers, but sweet in their own way.

    >>>>My garden haven...
    Thanks for giving the name of the plant!!.. I wont forget "plumbago". About petua... dont know, it must be about giving what plants require... pamper them a bit la.

    She is the better one. I am not, tahu tentang sayur saja!.. aha.

    >>>James Missier...
    Thanks James, yes, the colour has depth. Capturing them in the morning with the camera also helps, after midday all flowers like us also, are very tired, limping, like going for a nap!

    Thanks priscilla, I really have to think about organic seeds giveaways. I have a few in hand, stylish award write-up.... see what I can do.

    ~cheers, ~bangchik and kakdah
    Tanah Merah, Kelantan MALAYSIA.
