Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A beautiful colour offered by nature.

For berries that look so black, it is a surprise to see juice appearing so different, so beautiful. Fashion designers could have used the same colour tone for their top models. On beauty, nature has a lot to offer.

The colour of malabar spinach berry juice

 I pinched the berries to get the seed inside.

the juice of  at  lower angle
malabar spinach seeds

malabar spinach berries, so black

What is that beautiful colour?

 click here on earlier post about malabar spinach
bangchik and kakdah
berkebun sayur
Tanah Merah Kelantan


  1. Ya, their seeds are simply lovely. When i was young, I used to collect their seeds and squeeze them to get their lovely purple color.

  2. This is a very interesting plant. I thought Malabar spinach is another specie of the vegetable spinach. Very interesting indeed.

    I marvel at your gardening planning and development.

  3. Never seen the seeds before! The colour is indeed beautiful!

  4. Can you eat those berries, or are they purely ornamental? I bet you could make a nice dye from them too.

  5. Can we drink the juice just like roselles Bangchik? Such lovely colour!

  6. Very pretty! I bet I could dye some knitting yarn with that juice!

  7. Ohhhh it almost glows! I love the lower angle photo - thank you for sharing another wonderful new plant with me x

  8. That is the most amazing color...I'm curious too, can the berries be eaten?

  9. Beautiful purple colour! I thought it's black berry!

  10. such beautiful colors together. it is hard to believe they are the same thing really.

  11. Food so delicious!
    childhood games of our generation indeed. Mothers would probably raise their voices, "see, you dress all stained!"

    cina fong
    First time I grow malabar spinach. Like you, I never though it would climb up and produce berries.

    kitchen flavours
    Yeap, special colour, like purple but not exactly purple...

    Mark Willis
    It's the shoots (leaves and stems) that we harvest for fried menu. I have not tried eating berries yet.

    Tak berani cuba lagi.., nak tanya-tanya dulu orang yang dah cuba "malabar spinach berry juice"

  12. Kim and Victoria
    If we can make the stain permanent.., surely knitting yarn will come out with very exotic colour.

    Thanks carrie for dropping by. It glows yeah..

    Theanne and Baron
    I am not sure if berries can be eaten. Got to ask people first....

    It's deep purple, almost black berries....

    Teresa~ Gardening with Soule
    The colour is a beauty. an exotic purple...

  13. Bang Chik & Kak Dah...u have d green Malabar spinach....i have d red nak....? Kak ani

  14. nmldC15
    boleh saja, sorang lima biji benih cukup?. emailkan address ke saya di

  15. Yes, you can eat the berries but it's very hard to clean your teeth!!

  16. Bangchik and Kakdah,

    My grandma used to plant this many years ago and it made a lovely soup. The plant died out a long time ago. I'm wondering if I could get seeds from you. If yes, would really appreciate it. I stumbled onto your blog this week (maybe last week) and posted about growing grapes. I'm just getting interested in container gardening as the front of the house is cemented over.
