Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Chili Centil: waiting for the first harvest.

Continuity of chili growing from Tanah Merah to Pasir Gudang. Seeds  from ripe chili taken along to Pasir Gudang. A simple rule of thumb with chili centil is a month as seedlings, another two months in vegetable bed, then they are ready for the first harvest.

Now, it is another 17 days to go.

  • Sow:-                               10 Nov 2011
  • Germinate                       17 Nov 2011
  • Transplanted                  17 Dec 2011
  • Expected harvest            17 Feb 2012

chili centil, another 17 days to ripen

chili centil. with onions at the back

chili centil

chili centil
Soil had been thoroughly mixed with compost and organic fertiliser, a few inches below the surface. I sprayed liquid fertiliser twice and that's it. The plants don't really grow big and tall..., but they are managing, healthy looking..., and ready for the first harvest 17 Feb. Onions placed in between rows are growing alright, and to a certain point, I think they had ward off potential pests away. While weeding yesterday I saw one, a single white fly, darting lazily. I know, the battle is about to begin.

earlier posts:

Growing Chili centil in Johor.

Monday, December 5, 2011

pasir gudang, Johor


  1. your Chili Centil is indeed looking very healthy...and a lovely pod waiting for harvest time!

    I have finally started doing some container gardening on my patio...planted green/spring onions today...already have some lovely chives and I have lettuce seed to start. Later I want to plant a vining tomato...the small tomatoes are perfect in a salad. I may even be bold and try Lady Fingers...what do you think, one plant to a pot? I'm enjoying my "little" gardening again!

  2. Theanne
    - one plant to a pot is neat. Very manageable, require same treatment, watering and fertilising. Lady fingers is worth trying.... it's beautiful yellow flowers will warm anybody's heart. And the fruits of course...

  3. That is a very nice looking chili, we are trying to over winter a few in our basement in order to get an early start on them...I doubt if it will work but it is worth a try. Best of luck with your battles against the bugs.

    1. It should work I think.... seeds should germinate with a bit of warmth.. battling with pests is non ending, we take turns, sometime we win, sometime the pests overrun us....

  4. It does not matter which land, magic hands will soil life.

    1. huh magic hands?... sometimes people talk to plants too, so MAGIC WORDS! In Kelantan I have seen people whispering to kites 100m up in the air, "naik dik, naik dik, naik memolek..."

  5. Is it same with cili padi in term of spiciness?
    Soon you will have a lot of cili to harvest!
    Butterflies? Everytime I see a butterfly, I have the same feeling too ! ;)

    1. Malar..., talk about "pedas"..... this variety is the hottest! and the aroma is sweet. Once harvested, it will stay fresh for weeks on kitchen table.

  6. In pots, it's very convenient. Can even take indoor if it's too hot outside.
