Thursday, April 26, 2012

Square Vegetable Bed with ubi kemili

1. There is quite a variety of vegetable beds at the back of the house. Six identical rows of narrow rectangular beds are the focal points placed a few steps from the back door. Two wide rectangular  beds at the far back and two square vegetables beds more or less complete our gardening focal areas. Honestly with the current work schedule, I cant possibly look after them that well. So some vegetables are overgrown, too many weeds and some empty ones had been empty for too long.

2. When we had to be away at weekends, then gardening is terribly affected, since weekends offer the most valuable time for garden overhaul, but for square vegetable bed with 11 ubi kemili plants, light mulch of dead leaves put weeds in control.

Square Vegetable Bed with 11 ubi kemili plants

 ubi kemili plant close-up

Ubi Kemili or Ubi Keling

3. I have to admit, I had not mastered the technique of growing this particular plant.  In Kelantan last year, ubi kemili or ubi keling plants grew beautifully, but ended with no tubers.  I will work out something to make sure there would buckets of tubers from the eleven plants.

the flower

4. Squeezed between hibiscus island and the wide rectangular vegetable bed, are flowering plants. Two periwinkles and a few clusters of zinnia. It wasn't as tall as zinnias we grew in Putrajaya many years back, or may be these are the dwarf type. But the colours are really mixed, white, red, pink and yellow.... 

 Flowers towards the field

flowers towards the house

bangchik and kakdah


  1. Zinnias are among my favorite flowers, as I love the vibrant colors.

    1. Yes, zinnia is flamboyant, flashing its colour happily!

  2. They look lovely. It looks like you have quite a big backyard Bangchik. And Bangchik, I can't remember if I have told you that my blog has a new address and it is on my profile. Thank you Bangchik.

    1. yes, the backyard is big, and I can do just a portion. about the new address, I had paid a visit.

  3. Your garden situation has grown...yes it is hard to take care of the garden when one has to be gone...not sure what will happen with my container plants if I'm ever gone for any time!

    1. It's alright to leave plants I guess.... in their natural habitat, they had survived for million of years.

  4. ubi kemili tu nampak mcm daun pudina kan??
    menarik la....

    1. sekali imbas, daun ubi kemili serupa macam daun pudina. tersusun dan sentiasa hijau....

  5. Hi, love your pics and your this posting. Nice pics too.
    Gardening is about enjoying the smell of things growing in the soil, getting dirty without feeling guilty, and generally taking the time to soak up a little peace and serenity.

    You have a fun weekend and keep a song in your heart.
    Best regards,

  6. TQ Uncle Lee..... gardening is rewarding indeed!
