Tuesday, April 24, 2012

BUNGA BAKAWALI, coming soon.

Bunga bakawali is mysterious, it will start blooming slowly as daylight thins down and by midnight it is ready to close down slowly, and by the next morning it will limp.  We had three bloomings, the first one was last early year  12.1.2011  (click here: Bunga Bakawali Blooming, the stages.) . The second time was in Kelantan sometime in July last year  but we had to be outstation so by the time we came back, it was all over. The third was this year in January, again we we had to be away when it bloomed.  It looks like we would be lucky with this bunga bakawali.

 (Bunga Bakawali in Malaysia, Wijaya Kusuma in indonesia, Queen of the night, Night-blooming Cereus, Dutchman's Pipe, Gul-e-Bakavali  in Hindi, Kadupul in Sinhala)

bunga bakawali: front view

bunga bakawali: slightly to the left

bunga bakawali: the stalk is almost 8 inches.

another bunga bakawali, still a baby

another bunga bakawali, very small

Nizam has agreed to set up time lapse photo shots, two cameras for front and side view. I think the show time is going to be tomorrow......to see the mysterious flower blooming and smell  the most intoxicating extravagant fragrance on earth. 

bangchik and kakdah
pasir gudang, johor


  1. What a beautiful flower. It looks like an alien plant out of a science fiction movie. I can't wait to see the time lapse photos. The diversity of plant life in the world is truly amazing.

    1. Bakawali is truly amazing, as a bud and as a flower. I am assembling the photos for the next post.

  2. Cantik, now we know where the aliens ideas come from.

    Assalamualaikum Bangchik, my blog has a new address and it is on my profile. Thank you Bangchik and hope Kakdah and you are well dan sejahtera sentiasa.

    1. Memang cantik, dan wanginya jangan cerita!
      Wassalam, I have visited ur blog with the new address. We are OK, like a new couple, when children are all grown-up and stay all over the place.

  3. I can't wait, I love Night Blooming Cereus'! Years ago I had one that had belong to my aunt...it grew nicely but I never expected it to bloom. When it did bloom Don was in the hospital and I was home alone...I was up til the wee hours of the morning, unable to sleep, so I was reading...all of a sudden I smelled an overwhelmingly sweet odor...I went to check and sure enough the NBC had bloomed. Sadly I had only a little Kodak Instamatic to take a picture of it...but my memory tells me it was beautiful and smelled so exotic!

    1. It's lovely and sweet fragrance which can easily beat any perfume on earth. The next post will the time lapse bakawali blooming..

  4. I posted this 2x last year. I just planted mine last rainy season and now growing nicely. It is Epiphyllum oxypetalum, in constrast with the ridged stem Cereus. They have many species or genus.

    1. We keep two species, one with white flower and the other, light pink.

  5. I will be waiting for the Bakawali post! ;)

    1. I will assemble the time lapse photos over the weekend. The next post will be on Bakawali..... by Monday.

  6. Can anyone spare or sell me leave of bakawali. I want to plant in memory of my granny
