Monday, July 16, 2012

Companion planting

Plants have a community of their own, 
growing side by side, 
helping one another.

kangkung, basil, tricolour amaranth,  and winged beans

bangchik and kakdah
pasir gudang johor


  1. they all look lovely and healthy

    1. Raining is almost daily happening here. So plants just grow

  2. With the single photo only in one post, i can see you're very busy. I just fully harvested my upland kangkong from the two pots outside my 5th floor window. I am the only one with plants near the aircon ledge, haha! I also have ampalaya in the pot with a cholesterol plant. I get the leaves to go with mungo seeds, but now it has a fruit so i can't get the leaves. A gardener is always a gardener no matter where you put him!

    1. Andrea.... days seemed to be longer when we were young.... haha... Companion planting helps when we are busy. It still looks alright even when the plants are not well looked after. I agree a gardener will always be a gardener, and you can tell that when he/she visits someone else gardens. They eyes of a gardener will sparkle as he walks around garden.
