Wednesday, July 18, 2012

germination for little backyard garden.

It's alright to act small for small backyard garden. I am referring to germinating seeds. It's kale or kailan, chinese celery or daun sup, red okra or bendi merah and pak choy.  I placed a pinch of seeds in each, in an attempt to see at least one seedling appear in each pot.

I am trying something different for a change. A portion of rectangular raised bed is reserved for all these, mixing them up with no particular pattern. It would be fun to see the wild side of vegetables as they try to grow, elbowing each other in a tight space...

red ladys fingers /okra/ bendi merah seedlings

zinnia seedlings

zehneria / timun tikus seedlings

clitoria ternatea seedlings / anak pokok bunga telang




Out of the many, zehneria from cambodia, pak choi, zinnia, marigolds, okra had germinated earliest. Chinese cellery, tricolour amarant had been very quiet without any sign of germination.  I am going to mix them up in one vegetable bed. Call it intensive gardening, square foot gardening, or companion planting, all refer to plants grown closely together. That's the intention for the next project. Okra will give height, the rest will grow below. With zinnias planted together, I am imagining how the vegetable will look like, extremely colourful!

bangchik and kakdah


  1. Lots of healthy looking seedlings! It is almost time for me to start some seeds for my fall and winter garden.

    1. They come out alright.... the next move is to transplant, which we may sometimes miss by weeks...

  2. Nice!!! You have green fingers!!

    1. Suria... thanks. in fact my fingers are dark brown!! haha

  3. That is what I started doing, then I got lazy and the weeds have taken over some areas.... I do like intensive gardening though.

    1. africanaussie...... you are right. Weeding is a demanding gardening chore!

  4. Wow, lots of great looking seedlings! I am sort of doing square-foot gardening in my little horseshoe-shaped veggie garden. It's looking like an absolute jungle, but it's very productive! The only trouble I'm having is the tomatoes and cucumbers have elbowed out many of the bean vines. It's sort of like a treasure hunt finding and picking all the produce every day in the little space :) Have fun!

    1. I never really try square-foot gardening. I am imagining how it's going to look like.

  5. That's alot of seedling growing in backyard! I can imagine the extreme colourful backyard and extensive harvesting the product! ;)

    1. Zinnia and marigolds may add colour to the patch. Huh, it worries me if zinnia leaves could end up fried with other vegetables. And marigold leaves mistaken for ulam raja!!

  6. Looking forward to your sharing the end results!

    1. Bom..... i sincerely hope those seedlings don't overstay in pots.... and at least they have a foot square space in the garden!!

  7. Thanks for your visit today. I try this kind of gardening in my containers.I have tomatoes, lettuce and a cucumber in one container. It's an experiment. This has been a very hot year for us here in N. Illinois USA. I hope we have a nice fall...Balisha

    1. thanks Balisha....... container gardening is good with space!
