Tuesday, July 31, 2012

marigolds: a brief moment.

 marigolds, an interesting plant with lot of yellow flowers.

marigold: bud

marigold: bud opening

marigold: bud opening

marigold: bud opening

marigold: double bud opening

marigold: buds closed and opened

marigold: young flower

marigold: flowering maturing

marigold: flower maturing

marigold: maturity

marigold: dry offering seeds

marigold: the plant

marigold: another plant.
Marigolds will always be in our little garden, a chance we will never miss for it's benefit. Somehow the plants help to repel pests away. But one thing I am so sure about, while driving some pests away, snails love to come and eat shoots and leaves of marigolds.

bangchik and kakdah
pasir gudang, johor.


  1. They do don't they...I have some poor little ones that are almost eaten down to nothing, and others thrive.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

    1. muddy boot dreams:... it's difficult to accept nature's arrangement that marigolds are staple food for snails... :)

  2. I planted out uite a few Marigolds in late May but during our wet weather they were all eaten by slugs and snails....every one!
    As you see our summers are very erratic. I wish we had your summer that never ends :-)

    1. easygardener:.... snails are extra energetic in wet weather, so watch out where we keep marigolds...... even though our summer is yearlong, we break it up into two: wet summer and hot summer.

  3. dear bangchik n kak dah
    terima kasih sudi singgah ke blog saya
    salam kenal ;)

    1. Irfa:..... thank you. it's good to compare notes.

  4. Beautiful! Gives me hope somehow. My calendula/pot marigolds sprout from the seeds, then it seems like they dampen off. :-(

    1. Mama Pongkey:.... gardening is about growing again and again. Good Luck next time.

    2. Hehehe thank you for your encouragement, Bangchik and Kakdah. I may give pot marigolds a try again soon. In the meantime, I have transplanted some bunga tahi ayam into my garden as a vanguard :-) A flower that is so pretty and beneficial, but with a name so foul. Maybe we Malaysians should rename it.

    3. it's alright to be frank and truthful. Kuala Lumpur, Pulau Pinang, Ipoh are all names with real meaning...... so bunga tahi ayam should stay.... haha.

  5. What a fascinating series of pictures Bangchik. They are great flowers and are amazing in that they will grow in so many different places. I think they smell really bad though. LOL! Have a wonderful week.

    1. Lona:... thanks. They do smell bad. Pardon me for saying this, the common name for marigolds here is "bunga tahi ayam" which means "chicken droppings flower"....... haha.
