Monday, July 30, 2012

Tomato not doing well

I wonder if it's alright to keep using my little vegetable garden because the area being cultivated is big. It is not too big to be called a farm, but definitely it's way beyond what's normally referred to as backyard vegetable garden  here in Malaysia. I was tempted with the luxurious space the moment we set foot here last year. The garden design is ambitious. However time available to do gardening is limited. So some plants, some corners are not receiving adequate attention.

It's our tomato now, second generations because seeds used were taken from ripe tomato of the first planting early this year. The leaves don't look too good. I am not going to pull out yet. Lets see how far the current tomato will go.


tomato, leaves a bit brownish - not good

I would be lucky   if the plants survive.

bangchik and kakdah


  1. You have some great tomatoes starting there. I find tomato plants can sometimes look quite horrid and still produce. You can pick off the yellowing leaves - this will supposedly produce more tomatoes. As long as the whole plant does not develop wilt you should be ok.

    1. africanaussie:.... thanks for the tip. Yeap, taking off the yellowing leaves, hoping the plant will produce new shoots and leaves.

  2. I'm facing same thing here.... Is it due to hot weather?

    1. Malar:..... I suspect it's due to the weather. No rain here for already a week!!

  3. Sad to hear about your tomatoes, insha'Allah it will turn around. Anyway how does 'my little acres of veggie' sounds?

    1. Ash:.... the suggestion sounds good, a sweet attempt to subdue the overflowing gardening passion, by attaching "little" to "acres".

  4. Hahaha..glad you like the sound of it Bangchik. I thought so too. Sleep on it and you'll get the right name for it :)

    1. Ash:....... you see the name might change again when job commitment take me somewhere else.....
