Monday, October 15, 2012

Bakawali changed it's schedule.

So I thought I know all.  I had formed some mental conclusions that bakawali is a plant of extreme rigidity and precision, that it will start it's blooming process from dusk and everything will end by dawn, a nocturnal flowering. This particular bakawali wish to be different, showing it has a will of it's own, controlling when to bloom and when to end.

Bakawali flowers: four of them 

Bakawali flowers, well spread.....
pictures were taken early in the morning around 8 am
 after the last two had finished blooming.

There were four of them, coming out at different nodes of a single leaf. One bloomed earliest, followed by another the next night and the other two the third night. These flowers seemed to open much later than normal. Previous blooming started around 7 pm. Withe these it was much later, around 10 pm.

It was fun to watch how the stalk and flowers all spaced out nicely, no neck twisting or locking. The distance between the four were almost the same, like a synchronized blooming show..... and that is NATURE..

bangchik and kakdah


  1. Can I reserve a front seat next when it bloom again ;).

  2. You must be really in to Bakawali! They are so pretty flowers!

    1. Malar: something gud about bakawali..., no pest, no problem at all. It will grow and flower.

  3. I thought what on earth is Bakawali, but it is an Epiphyllum, we call this flower 'Queen of Night'. I have a plant in my conservatory, which I have grown from a cutting which I got as a present of the Arboretum in Rotterdam. Every year in summertime, we get at night some beautiful white flowers, and the fragrance is so lovely.

    1. Janneke: it goes by many names, bakawali to us and Queen of Night to most. We have lot of little bakawali growing in pots..

  4. Good that i now know the Malaysian term for it, bakawali. I already posted 2x of our Epiphyllum oxypetalum, even sent leaves to Autumn Belle. Now i have a newly growing Epiphyllum anguliger or ric-rac cactus, and another one i forgot the species. The previous on produced about >30 blooms in the night i documented it, during its 3rd night of blooming. I think it bloomed a total of 7x. That's a lot of flowers per year.

    1. Andrea:..... Ours have not produced that many flowers per night. The most is five.

  5. What a unique flower and you have done well Bangchik. Selamat hari raya Aidiladha Bangchik and Kakdah. And Bangchik, this is oceangirl.

    1. Fazlisa:.... Selamat hari Raya to you and your family. Have a great weekend Raya!
