Friday, October 12, 2012

Growing chili centil: shining green.

Growing chili is fun. After years of growing chili, we know what to expect during germination, then transplanting and so on. We can almost tell when the first flower would appear as the main stem branch out. There would be rounds and rounds of flowering and fruiting.  Then somewhere along the way, problems would appear, leaves yellowing, leaves wrinkling,  white flies visits, aphids sleeping at the underside of leaves and many more. There would be harvest after harvest, then the plants get too old that they had to go.

Seven chili plants centil variety are still going strong at the backyard. I think we started with 9, then two become stunted, that I decided to pull them out.  These plants are 4 month old. Last two weeks, I harvested every single chili on the plants, both red and green. The plants reacted well with organic and foliar fertiliser, and now the plants are fruiting with zest!! All green....., and it will a week or two before some will turn red.

chili centil, full of green hot fruits

chili centil

chili centil

chili centil

chili centil

chili flower

chili flower

green chili

chili plants

TV Show scheduled for TV1, Saturday 1.12.2012 10 am
Watch bangchik in person!!

The crew came yesterday for shots. I was there giving my views 
on the whole entrepreneurial program and strategic milestones on  institutional development.  

bangchik, Karl Shafek and Fiza in chili field

putting across my views on entrepreneurial programs, 
an effort to bring the best out of youngsters. I was asked also about 
the overall strategic approach 
on institutional 

Munira, Karl Shafek and Bangchik
Munira explaining about the downstream economic activities 
beyond chili growing.

Kakdah said "It's alright to be a little bit nervous" in front of camera.

bangchik and kakdah
my little vegetable garden


  1. TV Show?.... how nice.


  2. I hope you put a link to the tv show, if it is available to view outside the country. The chili look beautiful, so lush!

    1. Gardeningbren>>> i will arrange it to be youtubed!

  3. Yes kena record and youtube kan (sebab saya tak tengok tv). :-) Congrats!

  4. wah makin famous bangchik kakdah.. cili centil ni sama macam cili burung ke?

    1. cili centil sebangsa dengan cili burung jugak....., lain variety, centil lebih besar, pedas dan tahan lama.

  5. Bangchik, you are famous! And those chilis are looking so healthy and productive. Keep it up and take care!

    1. Andrea.... i don't need fame, chili is enough to me HOT... haha.

  6. Fame at last! I don't use chillis in cooking, but I've grown them before, just for the fact that they look so good.

    1. yeap Jo, it is nice to see plants growing.., even if we don't eat them, like zinnia and marigolds. :)

  7. Congratulations on both, successfully growing chillies and being able to share your knowledge on TV, and yes, it must be nerve-wracking to have a TV camera recording everything you say! Is there a link that we can watch it?

    1. Rosemary:... I dont have millions of dollars to share, just a tiny little knowledge on gardening, i love to share anytime.

  8. All the best Bangchik on your tv show! Which channel will that be on?
    Chilies look awesome :-)
    Is it chili padi?

    1. Ash... TV1, 1.12.2012 Saturday 10am. Centil is within cili padi family, but hotter!!

  9. Assalam Tuan Haji...agak-agak kalau cili habis kat rumah, bolehlah saya redah kebun cili polyagro yek....hehehe

    1. ct-sue:..... it's a agrotourism hotspot!!, the concept is "eat, pick and pay".., bayar ke Aina. RM14 sekilo, RM1.40 per 100g........ :)

    2. Baik Tuan.....segar dari ladang yang best tu....teringin nak tengok kebun polyagro tapi segan.....hehe

    3. Yelah Tuan Haji....saya ni dahlah tak ada di PIS, tiba-tiba saja muncul nanti orang pelik pulak kan.....Nantilah, senang-senang saya minta tolong Kak Aina ke...Tengku ke....

  10. Growing them is fun.

    Eating them is another level of "fun".

    1. rainnie:..... yeap, very definite!! It's hot stuff I tell ya.

  11. Salam..tahniah..effort appriciated nationally..or can I say "malaysian chilli icon"

  12. Congrats Bang chik and Kak Dah.Kami akan tonton nanti:)..Saya suka tanam cili api dan bekalan tak pernah putus dalam freezer saya.

    1. You are most welcome. Untung tanam cili padi, kalau habis dalam rumah boleh menapak keluar petik satu dua, dan tak padan nak start kereta untuk pasar hanya untuk cili padi.
