Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fish Head Curry: Kakdah's specialty

Sunday Morning, adik, the youngest was here and that made three of us.  We went over to a friend's house in Kota Chahaya Masai for fish, fresh from fishing trip. We ended with a kilo of ikan duri, kembung, talang and mayong. There was a nice fresh looking fish head (ikan jenahak) that attracted my attention. All together RM40..... and a baldi full ( a pail full). So, it's fish head curry for lunch!

Fish Head Curry - Ikan Jenahak

Curry on the stove: fish head

curry on the stove: ikan mayong

curry on the stove: brinjal

Even with gardening as hobby, we still had to purchase certain vegetables from the store. For Kakdah's cooking of  fish head curry, some ingredients were fresh from the garden;  small chili, long chili, brinjals, okra and rose onions.

Grilled Fish - Ikan Talang

grilled fish wrapped with banana leaf

grilled fish: ikan talang

It was just a coincidence that, earlier in the morning Ruhaznawati had been messaging about gardening issues. She asked what's for lunch, fish head curry I replied.  She practically shouted that curry had been their Sunday standard menu for many years!.....

There we go, thousand miles apart, menu for the lunch was the same!

bangchik and kakdah
my little vegetable garden


  1. Waahhh this is a curry fiesta here in the garden today! Looks really, really delicious! I LOVE fish head curry, although I don't really eat the head properly. There is just something about the combination of spices + fish + veggies + curry leaves that really makes me overeat. :-))

    1. mama pongkey:... at home, fish head will be cleaned to the bones.., at functions or restaurants, I will behave just like you, just touch a little. I agree with the overall combinations that finally make fish head curry taste delicious.

  2. A baldi-full of fresh fish at only RM40! Wow!! That's a very good bargain. Fish head is my favorite too, especially when the whole head is immersed into the curry while cooking. Cutting up the head into smaller pieces just eliminate its great flavor altogether.

    1. Ash.., it's not fish market, but fisherman's house, so it has to be cheap.... In fact Kakdah used kuali or wok instead of normal periuk or pot to accommodate the big fish head!!

  3. That's very cheap!
    I love fish curry too! It's taste good when fresh harvest vegetables added in! ;)

    1. Malar:.... We bought twice from that man, so entitled for regular customer special price!.. haha. Vegetables from our own garden - the best in the world!

  4. Oh,my tummy just growl looking at K.Dah's cooking...

    1. understandably!... I am used to kakdah's specialty for decades, dari dulu sampai dah ada cucu!!

  5. I am fascinated, fish head is not popular where I live, but I love the way you describe how much you are looking forward to cooking and savouring it :) Happy eating!

    1. Fish head over here is popular for curry and soup, but the fish need to be fresh.
