Saturday, January 18, 2014

Vegetable Gardening - a new start

Seri Kembangan, Malaysia.

We dont seem to get tired of gardening. Kakdah clings to her orchids and ornamental plants, and I more into vegetable gardening.  We are coming to a phase of life, much different to what we are used to. The house is typical malaysian double storey. Space is very limited both at the front and back. We have to reduce the number of pots used.

I was flicking through the earlier posts on container gardening.  We had gone through several elaborate attempts on growing vegetables in pots such as  onions  ,   pakchoy,  kale / kailan,    daun sup,  cabbage,  etc.

the old kucai

Of the many vegetables we grew in Johor, we only take kucai along. Kucai never seems to stop growing, they grow quietly, they stay low and happy. Now  onions and spinach start to grow and be part of the ealier pioneers here.

bawang - onions in two small pots

bayam - spinach in large container

Yeap, we have a lot more seeds, but they have  to wait for their turn.

__________bangchik and kakdah__________
seri kembangan


  1. Salam Bangchik,
    semua yang bangcik cakap tu mcm kucai, bawang mmg berminat nak tanam jugak..cuma kat sini tak dapatlah benih yg baik tuk tanam..

    1. Kena ikut tempat...., kalau London kita tanam apples dgn celery, kalau di arab kita tanam tamar.... haha.

  2. You don't seem to get tired of gardening.

    So am I. I love hiking and photography.

    1. yup, to keep blood flowing and mind working i guess...

  3. Salam Bangchik. Didn't know you are back here in KL. Welcome back! Sounds good to me as I can get tips from you on container gardening now that you are on it :)

    1. Thanks Ash..... the place a little bit tight, two mouths to feed on weekdays and additional two over weekends, so vegetable gardening will adapt to the new settings.

  4. Salam BangChik, hopefully those seedling will grow healthy..

    1. Spinach will grow, they are real survivors.... :)

  5. Kucai? It's been ages since I ate one! I remember while young, my mum use to cook this vegetables and a lot of flies come to the house! hahahha....

  6. Never knew kuchai can be grown here.
    I thought its always imported from Camerons.
    Did you plant them using seeds or bawang or something?
    Happy Gardening.
