Friday, February 21, 2014

Tanam Bayam - Spinach - a rarity (report 3)

The term succession sowing of spinach every 10 days really makes meaning, since we are witnessing such a fast rate of growth. Succession sowings will ensure continuous harvest of young sweet leafy vegetables.  In our case, three pots of spinach at different stages will do. The eldest son Yop was just offered electrical engineer job with National Electricity Board (TNB) and he would soon spread his wings to far away city. The youngest son Adik had just finished his studies and will soon leave the nest into hotel industry.  We cannot be too over ambitious with vegetable growing .  Only two mouths to eat.......

Spinach planting schedule. - Seri Kembangan 
Sowing: --------------10.01.2014
Report 1 -------------18.01.2014  Vegetable Gardening - a new start
Report 2 -------------12.02.2014  Tanam Sayur Sendiri, bayam or spinach.-report 2
Report 3 -------------20.02.2014

week 1

Spinach - Bayam, just tiny seedlings 17.1.2014
week 5

Spinach, a month after sowing 12.2.2014

week 6

Bayam - Spinach top view 20.2.2014

week 6

Bayam - Spinach  side view 20.2.2014

Spinach planting schedule. - Seri Kembangan 
Sowing: --------------10.01.2014
Report 1 -------------18.01.2014  Vegetable Gardening - a new start
Report 2 -------------12.02.2014  Tanam Sayur Sendiri, bayam or spinach.-report 2
Report 3 -------------20.02.2014  Tanam Bayam - Spinach - a rarity (report 3)

Popeye wasn't wrong in choosing spinach as his energy booster. And he could also have known the other benefits too which include: managing diabetes, preventing asthma and cancer,  lowering blood pressure, strengthening bones, promoting regularity of bowel systems and making hair and skins healthy. At least that's what the experts say..... and I am just a keen vegetable gardener dealing with simple vegetable of such rarity.

bangchik and kakdah

seri kembangan


  1. Wow!! Very healthy spinach you have there! How much longer before you can harvest them? Where did you buy the seeds?

    1. Ash.... the book says 8 weeks after sowing. I suppose anything before the eighth week is considered fresh-sweet-young leafy spinach for lunch... and we bought seeds from Dengkil Nursery...

  2. I have only one son and unlike your children, he seems reluctant to leave the nest. I think it must be the convenience of walking into the house where dinner is hot and waiting and having a mother that still does his laundry on occasion. So spoiled who could blame him for wanting to stay! LoL I have never grown spinach, but would love to try.

    1. It's universal Jennifer, bachelor sons will come back for hot dinner and for mummy-does-laundry thing........

  3. You manage well with spinach growing,Bangchik and Kakdah! I have tried to grow it but unsuccessful because of long summer day about 22 hours ( we have no dark time during 2 months!) Your is wonderful and healthy!
    You have to be proud of your sons - they both have finished studies and have their jobs!

    1. Nadezda... most vegetables are alright at the beginning. Once they get old pests love to come and attack.... I think I let it grow for a while then pull out everything... for us and the neighbours.

  4. Your spinach looks beautiful. Here the problem with growing spinach is that it gets too hot in summer and the plants go to seed very fast. Yet you are in a much warmer country than Canada and your spinach looks beautiful! Do you put the pots in the shade? Do you have problems with spinach going to seed very quickly?

    1. We dont get the whole daytime sunlight, due to the orientation of the house. I suppose it's good for spinach, but the same amount of sunlight may not be enough for some flowering plants...... so far there is no indication it's going to seed quick...

  5. But what young, enthusiastic wings they are! I DO love growing spinach...any greens for that matter. Almost immediate, if fleeting, gratification!

    1. yes Linda... veggie is best when young... sweet and fresh.

  6. Somehow i like bayam in pizza, with melted cheese, it really matched.

    1. babypose.... that's a lovely choice spinach-pizza-cheese combination. Kakdah would normally turns it into soup or fried....

  7. Bayam rebus, sambal belacan, kembong goreng dan nasi panas!!! Used to take a lot of bayam in my meal made me overdoze ... the result was giddines and sometimes high to reduce spinach intake he he ..

    1. suka suka .... i guess the old phrase, "makan biar berpada-pada" applies to spinach too...!!

  8. The spinach is growing rapidly! Popeye has selected good vegetable! ;)

    1. Yes Malar, spinach and kangkung rank high in fast growing vegetables list...

  9. HI John was here: Interesting blog will be back to see more.

  10. Interesting pictures on the progress of this "Bayam". Now we know how long we can get fresh spinach to our table. Nyum..

    1. Bayam will go through a lot, before ending on dinner table.

  11. we cant grow regular spinach here and I have some seeds for warrigal greens I am going to try. This does not look like english spinach - I wonder if it might be the same?

  12. I'm sure it would taste delicious.
    I just find it hard to grow vegetables..
    Consider another fact that I sometimes think twice of eating my plants..
    Have a nice weekend.

    1. "eating my plants".... haha, i know that hurts. We had been growing vegetables for years, so we learn how to get detached emotionally upon harvest....

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