Thursday, September 10, 2009

Eggplant seems to be happy

Eggplant, sole survivor in vegetable bed.

An eggplant, is one of the Quartet on veggie plot. I posted something about petals dropping down rather early, Eggplant ready to bear fruit?. and then wonder if it will bear fruit. Friends ; JO, GARDENMOM and KHABBAB said it may not make it through...

But we really are in for a big surprise. The fruit is taking shape, with a definite purplish little fruit...... and two more is in the way.. I really have to check if that's the way eggplant nudge off petals to the ground , so naked and so open. Lets see what happen to the second and third flower, if I remember to keep looking down!.. aha.

the first
really taking shape

the second

the third.

Other names:
Aubergine, brinjal (solanum melongena)

Happy Gardening

~bangchik and kakdah
Putrajaya, MALAYSIA.


  1. You are so careful and gentle and loving with your little blossoms and then the fruit. It's really lovely.

  2. A long wait for the fruit from the flower.

  3. I like seeing the transformation in stages. Very well done.

  4. They have pretty little flowers which are purple in colour too. These flowers are so small when compared to the large brinjal.

  5. I grow them for the flowers. My wife eats the fruit.

  6. Quite interesting to see how the fruit begins...nice photos of the process. Looking forward to seeing the eggplants growing....*smile*

  7. Good job on this plant. wow! It is so interesting to see this little eggplant growing.

  8. Fascinating photos. What a joy to be able to follow plants growing in a garden half a world away from me.
    Midgefarmer Yan

  9. MARY DELLE.. Thanks, we cant afford to be nonchalant about the plants and vegetables in our little garden.... haha. They received the best care and attention!.. But time is so limited, just a bit in the morning and another bit before sunset, enough to wet them and say hello and goodbyes... haha.

    JOANNE, sometime the wait is so long...., sunflower is the longest wait, after the bud start appearing.

    POETIC SHUTTERBUG..., if we have acres to handle, we may just hurry doing things and forget about the fine transformation in each. Different with little garden...

    BELLE, trees municipal people planted by the roadsides have smaller flower and seeds, but the trees are massive!.. purple is always nice, and almost royal.

    WISEACRE .. haha... I grow them for fun, my wife ends up with serious cooking!

    ANNIE... I promise, there will be more photos about the eggplant. All the ups and downs and finally how Kakdah slice eggplant belly for her favorite menu.

    STEPH... I do hope eggplant survive longer. If any of the many pests take a serious liking on this eggplant, I may not be quick enough to chase them off.

    YAN... I am just a part time gardener playing with camera. I also enjoyed looking at whimpering lavateras... but blooming!

    Happy Gardening
    Putrajaya, MALAYSIA.

  10. Well, I hope you get some eggplants. I've been enjoying ours.

  11. KIM and VICTORIA of Idaho..., I do hope the little one will grow a couple more inches, and not too sure about the fate of the other two buds.


  12. Looking good! hope they give you some nice fruit! I love the color of the eggplant flowers.
