Saturday, February 22, 2014

Vegetable Gardening - a realistic approach.

We had been very expressive with vegetable gardening over the years, when space wasn't the issue. It's so tempting to push for exquisite garden concept. It's so satisfying to let out creative energy, when one has full control over space and content.  If the lack of time to do watering and frequent outstation trips are the issue,  the technology offers solution in form of fertigation method, and automatic watering system. Gardening is sweat and fun.... all the way 2009 - 2013 and now 2014.

Gardens are not made 
by singing 'Oh, how beautiful,
and sitting in the shade.
Rudyard Kipling

Putrajaya Garden days 2009 2010
Putrajaya Garden days 2009 2010
Putrajaya Garden days 2009 2010

Coconut husk as edging
bitter gourd

Tanah Merah Garden, Kelantan 2011
Tanah Merah Garden, Kelantan 2011
Tanah Merah Garden, Kelantan 2011

potted plants at Tanah Merah Home
Four papaya, our Tanah Merah Home compound

Roselle seedlings in polybags

Rooftop Gardening - Chilli
Rooftop Gardening - Chilli

Rooftop Gardening - engagements

Pasir Gudang Garden 2012  2013
Pasir Gudang Garden 2012  2013
Pasir Gudang Garden 2012  2013

Pasir Gudang, Garden set up

Pasir Gudang - a row of roselle

Pasir Gudang - new seedlings

Bawang dalam pasu

Bawang dalam pasu, Roselle dalam polibeg

Cilli Farm - 

Grandchildren posing in Chili Farm

Pineapple Garden

A row of cabbage in pots


rows of vegetable bed

Rows of vegetable bed

sireh as hanging plant

Watering system

Pokok ubi kemili


Seri Kembangan Garden 2014
Seri Kembangan Garden 2014
Seri Kembangan Garden 2014

Now it's 
container gardening only


mulberry shoots

Available space, budget and time
more or less determine
the final look of a garden.

bangchik and kakdah

seri kembangan


  1. Now i remember my parents used to have a neighbour grow vege in the polybags, the daughter would come and ask whether we would want the vege, she told me it has to be in the bag otherwise te grass around it would take the nutrients for the vege, the father even do growing vege classes. It is interesting. Your photos explained better.

    1. In polybags and pots, plants can enjoy fertilisers exclusively....,

  2. Beautiful grandchildren in green :)

  3. Replies
    1. Rainnie... life is after all series of little stories...

  4. You are a true 'green finger' Bangchik! I salute you! No matter where you are, you get 'green grass' around you :) Tapi sayangkan...da buat cantek2 garden kena pindah pulak. Well, that's life la kan...we just move with the flow. Container gardening is ok too Bangchik. Make the most of it like what I'm doing and you will do well insha Allah. Nothing can beat a wide field of land :)

    1. ASH.... container gardening is the way forward . And millions had done it all over the world... :)

  5. No, no gardens get done by sitting in the shade but so nice it can be to sit down for a while!
    Hugs from me!

    1. I know Helena... sitting down for a breather, and enjoy the effort.. :)

  6. Seronok tengok cili berbaris2 on the roof top and the farm really made me saying wow and wow and wow... alhamdulillah.. selagi ada kemahuan berbagai jalan diberi...

    1. suka suka...... bila ada ruang, mcm2 boleh buat.. :)

  7. Also check out
