Monday, January 3, 2011

Kale: CCA and readiness to flower.

Growing Kale with cut and come again
(menanam kailan dengan teknik potong dan tumbuh lagi)

Kale was introduced into our Putrajaya garden by late July 2010. They were grown in four large containers. When they were three months old, I harvested all using cut and come again (CCA). Two of them were allowed to carry on in Tanah Merah, and the other two containers were emptied for something else.  Three months after CCA treatment, kale shows every indication of readiness to bloom. One plant is allowed to grow until bloom  while the other was regularly cut for dinner.

 the old scar, after CCA.

Kale is not secretive about blooming. 
The stem that grow with long inter nodes and  long leaves is not lying about the imminent burst of yellow flowers.

These are new batch of Kale
ready to replace the aging plants. 

bangchik and kakdah, menanam kailan di kebun Tanah Merah Kelantan

previous post on cut an come again:

Earlier posts on current kale  
20.8.2010 kale strengthening its stem. 6 leaves
14.8.2010 kale is here  5 leaves
06.8.2010 a tale of kale 3 leaves


  1. I want to try growing Cos Lettuce/Romaine in containgers, perhaps I could try Kale as well, I like CCA veggies. What I've read about Cos is that it tolerates heat...what about Kale? That would be a real plus here in central Florida.

  2. Great to see your kale growing strong! I wonder if i could try some this year too.

  3. What terrific success with your CCA technique. It is lovely to make an old plant look new. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Bangchik, Happy New year to you and Kakdah. I am not familiar with kale and i also dont know how it taste but i see photos of it and some have very ornamental natures. If it grows in Malaysia then it will grow here too, maybe i should try it. By the way, i like your term CCA.

  6. CCA... I learn a new word today... I shall have to treat my kale better... I think they taste better than cabbage, no?

  7. It's always so nice to drop by your blog and see your veges growing nice and green. And three months of good kale sounds really good!

    Bangchik, Kakdah and family, have a great 2011! Love your new place, Tanah Merah :-D

  8. Kale looks so good in Tanah Merah. I have used the CCA method with Bayam!
