Monday, September 6, 2010

Kale is set to sail

kale in four containers
The picture was taken very earlier in the morning.

 kale in four containers
a view from the other end.

container 1

 container 2

container 3

container 4

At this stage after a month since transplanting, the plants are concentrating on making the leaves grow bigger. The stems has increased rigidity and are able to withstand winds.  Growth at this stage is not really about adding more leaves, but enlarging what already there. My attempts a year or two ago seemed to fare better for those grown on bed. This time they became food for the colony of green grasshoppers.  Those in containers survive well to harvest. 

Watering still twice daily, fertilizing once a week.
Earlier posts on current kale
20.8.2010 kale strengthening its stem. 6 leaves
14.8.2010 kale is here  5 leaves
06.8.2010 a tale of kale 3 leaves

on kale


  1. They look healthy! Luckily grasshoppers never find the kale in pots! Soon Kakdah will have handful of kale to cook!

  2. How soon will these end up in the kuali? lol

  3. Very nice & deliciously looking.
    What do you call them in BM?

  4. They certainly looks 'delicious' to me! You are going to harvest them soon?

  5. You are right! The caterpillars did not bother your kale. Maybe they are all in my garden.

  6. Yummy, they seem to be doing very well. Love the pots too by the way.

  7. Your kale looks very healthy! We typically try to start ours by seed directly in the garden, but it did not grow this year. I may try your method. Good luck!

  8. Malar
    .... the pots are 4 feet away from the lawn, probably a bit too far for grasshoppers to venture out. Yes, kakdah has cut off a few leaves for fried menu.

    .... already ended up in kuali. just a few leaves.

    James Missier
    .... known as kailan in BM.

    .... Leafy veggie is always quick, all within a month or two.

    kitchen flavours
    .... yes, harvest already but not by cutting the stem off. Kakdah will just take a few leaves, allowing plants to continue growing.

    .... haha, pests will search for greener pastures.

    .... the pots are a little bit too artistic for vegetables, more suitable for ornamental plants. But it is alright.

    .... For little garden and small family, pots offer versatility in vegetable growing.

    Have a good day everyone

  9. hi good day nice post you have . great . i hope you have a post about wind chime
    im interested on this i hope you can help me . thank you!

  10. Just linked this article on my facebook account. it’s a very interesting article for all.

    Kitchen Garden

  11. Tony Destroni. About wind chime, I will see what i can do..

    Thiruppathy Raja. Thanks for the visit..

    have a nice day
