Monday, July 9, 2012

markisa, passion fruit update 2

I know our pokok markisa or passion fruit vines are growing, and producing fruits. I am expecting more, hoping to see hundreds dangling, like what I have seen in google pictures. However that's the best  our vines could offer. So far we had taken 3 fruits, ripened well, yellow in colour.

MARKISA:  crawling along cloth lines
a wide view of passionfruit vines 
with cloth lines as trellis. 

MARKISA,  fruits dangling.

I am almost certain that our passion fruit flowers opened up later in the day, around 5pm. I checked out around midnight, they were still wide opened. The next morning the flowers folded up  and stay folded for a few days until baby fruit push through. There were four flowers yesterday evening, and I definitely hope all four would end up as fruits. 

bunga markisa

passion fruit flower

passion fruit flower

markisa hanging on
another view with fruits hanging down, 
while the vines are crawling along the cloth lines.
 I hope the wire will be able to stand the weight.

markisa, this should ripen soon.
Gradually, the colour changes from green to yellow. 
It's time for harvest when it turns yellow

earlier post on markisa
Markisa, passion fruits update 1  June 1 2012
passionate about passion fruit or markisa   May 16 2012

It requires a bit of patience to separate markisa seeds. I have collected enough seeds out of the three fruits that had been harvested. So there will be little seedlings soon!

bangchik and kakdah
pasir gudang johor


  1. The flowers and fruits look exciting :-) I love the idea of using a clothes line as a trellis. I recently sowed some markisa seeds, but they haven't come up yet. Do they take long to germinate? And after successfully sprouting, how long before they flower? Thanks in advance :-)

    1. Germinating markisa seeds last year took a week. But the seeds were fresh, and i guess old seeds may take longer. Passionfruit vines take a year to bear fruits, in my case.

  2. The passion fruit flowers are always enjoyable to look at. I like how organized your garden looks, especially in the second to the last shot.

    1. Thanks, yes the flowers are exotic! I started with simple garden design preferring straight alignment for easy maintenance.

  3. I've never had fresh passion fruit- you are so lucky to be growing your own. The flowers are gorgeous too.

    1. JGH..... we can send some fresh passion fruits over to your place, provided custom office let them through.

  4. markisa yg saya tanam... tak gemuk... tak berbuah... sedih... tak pasti apa silapnya... :(

    1. ejaMaria...... semuanya berkisar dicelah: AIR, BAJA, TANAH. Air mesti cukup, kalau tidak pokok menjerit dahaga. Baja mesti cukup untuk pokok tumbuh dengan subur. Tanah mesti gembur jgn keras macam batu untuk akar mencengkam serta sedut air dan baja. Lebih kurang gitu le..... Dah cuba baja foliar atau baja daun?

  5. pokok markisa saya pula...gemuk..berbunga tapi tak menjadi buah... cemana pulak tu...

    1. shafirul suffian:...... Ini lagi susah! Saya nampak bunga markisa sini mula kembang jam 5ptg, tengah malam masih terbuka, dan pagi bunga kuncup semula. Saya jangka pendebungaan dibantu oleh serangga malam........ Kawasan rumah , ada banyak serangga malam?...... kalau tidak kena bantu sendiri guna berus lukisan.

  6. I noticed that you have hand pollinate the flowers. In my case,if I leave it to nature, I dont get any fruits. How long does it take for the fruit to turn yellow? Mine has been green for about 6 weeks already and although the green-ness has diminished slightly, it's not yellow yet.

  7. I didn't do hand pollination, nature did the job. I am lucky so far.... On how long the fruits turn yellow, I have not look closely. You just gave me idea... to explore further on that aspect.

  8. Hi Bangchik,

    Can passion fruits be planting in container? How tall can this plant grow? Thanks!

    1. Suria..... I suppose you can grow them in container. The plant will grow as tall as the trellis then it will crawl horizontally. Our trellis is about 6 feet.
