This butterfly visited our front garden. It looked so much different compared to peacock pansy. and Papilio helenus or swallowtail shown in earlier posts. Its rapid movement made capturing it in photographs very difficult indeed. The butterfly must be enjoying the nectar of mussaenda flava or white wings flower. I missed the vintage pose, only a couple of pictures, mostly hidden behind the leaves and some a little bit blurred. But the basic feature and color were there....
A caterpillar was seen crawling over a stone. It was very quick, a lot quicker than most caterpillars. It has so many minute legs, that probably helped his rapid crawl. Looking at the colorful creature made me wonder if it is related somehow to the butterfly in the earlier pictures. They looked awfully similar.
Some of us may know the name of the butterfly and whether the caterpillar is really related.
~ bangchik
Latest Update:
Scientific Name of the butterfly: Papilio demoleus malayanus (Lime Butterfly).. Reference 1: Malaysia Butterfly Checklist
.. Reference 2: from James: Fly Away! Fly Away! Fly Away!!!
Scientific Name of the caterpillar: no info yet so far