Showing posts with label gynura procumbens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gynura procumbens. Show all posts

Friday, June 29, 2012

gynura procumbens, sambung nyawa

It's gynura procumbens or simply "sambung nyawa" in our language. Allow me to scrutinize the name sambung nyawa. Sambung is continue, nyawa is life.  The name  "sambung nyawa" itself does emphasize the benefits of this gynura procumbens. I bought the first plant many years ago, and many had been propagated, some were sold and most ended as giveaways to friends and visitors. So gynura procumbens or sambung nyawa (continuity of life) lives up to its name, connecting friendships near and far with it's value :-

The leaf is said to have the ability to lower blood pressure and sugar levels, to treat diabetes, hypertension, and cholesterol imbalances

I am now propagating hundreds of them...... 


bangchik and kakdah

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