Early Sunday Morning, I cut off some spinach which were planted as temporary companions of roselles. A bucketful .... and more to go.... The two sons had been giving signals to their Mom about daily menu has been very much spinach or choy sum or pak choy based .... Now that they are here in the middle of semester break, they should notice Kakdah different menu with vegetable garden within reach!
The vegetables are nice, almost sweet....... an output of organic gardening
manoeuvre ! ...
[ bayam hijau ]
in red pail. Soon after they were packed in several clear plastic.
For easy use, kakdah put just enough for a dish in each clear plastic....
Popeye will be envious!
Kakdah showing a saucer of chillies.
Kakdah reminded about not to pick anymore green chillies,
and just wait for them to ripen.
I have to admit that our chillies come in all sort of shapes,
some are very laughable.
Those from the stores are much more uniform
and straight.
But taste is the same,
and ours is a little bit
hotter, said Kakdah. Huh!... Phew!...