Tuesday, December 27, 2011

More vegetables to add.

Germinating indoor is useful during rainy season, where one can guarantee seeds let out roots and leaves popping up, and not washed away by rains. Seeds are queuing up, taking turn to see the light of day. Roselle, ulam raja, chili centil, lady's fingers, keladi, basil, kangkung and cekur had gone to the ground, doing well so far. Spinach and brinjal are still in germinating trays. Lettuce and cabbage are in bigger pots now.


Quite a coincidence, everytime I set out to grow cabbage, only four manage to survive. Once in Putrajaya home, another in Tanah Merah. As if cabbage seedlings understand that I only have four large shallow pots to keep them. Fresh mixed soil is ready for them and by middle of the year,
 they should be ready for harvest.



These are from the same variety I grew in Tanah Merah. I wasn't as 
ambitious as Tanah Merah days. 
Only 8 lettuce this time.



The last one to germinate, with yellowish leaves.

BRINJAL seedlings, bowing to the sun.

A friend recently mentioned about not having green fingers, and another friend asked about three sisters concept and how to grow markisa from seeds.  I wish to elaborate what is green fingers all about. About growing markisa, a click on the label, will lead to my previous adventure. In fact I have transplanted 4 markisa    brought from Tanah Merah. The four seem to be doing fine. 
The other day, we were discussing about transformation, through rebranding perspective. I am looking at my big backyard, visualisizing changes that will appear, with quickwins, harvests and giveaways. Transformation or rebranding exercise is about planning and seeing it through. My backyard garden is like a lab.  The way forward should be realistic, and as a gardener I appreciate the two limiting factors; time and stamina, as I keep on visualising the eventual look of my little vegetable garden in Johor and as I keep germinating more seeds, and as I keep adding plants to the vegetable bed....

-bangchik and kakdah-
Johor Malaysia


  1. Hello Bangchik, Kakdah, the seedlings all look really happy! With the year end holidays, I hope you will have a lot more time for gardening. Have a great week!

  2. You're very organized as is your garden...with delicious results! With all the work you've done on new garden I would say you have excellent stamina! Every time you mention "lady fingers" I crave some ;-)

  3. Stephanie
    - Seedlings look alright. Generally pests are cunning, allowing seedlings to grow and come back to attack in full force when plants mature. Happy holiday to you too..

  4. Theanne and Baron
    - Honestly, our bodies are designed to cope with tough physical activities like hunting, gardening, and fighting as in the early days of mankind. Lady fingers are coming up nicely, I think they should bloom in a week or so.

  5. All the seedling look great! Happy New Year 2012!

  6. Your seedlings seems to be doing well and very happy. Hope they will grow into healthy beautiful plants with lots of yield! Happy New Year!!!

  7. The seedlings looks great! I can imagine how tasty it will be when they are ready to harvest.

    btw, bayam (Amaranthus spp.) while spinach (Spinacia oleracea).

    Happy New Year Bang Chik n Kak Dah.

  8. I love bayam. They are very enak, and lots of vitamin.

  9. Hi Bangchik, I have not visited your blog for several months and you have uprooted yourself & transplanted in Johor now! But gardening is till a passion and now you have a bigger backyard! Wow, I am looking forward to more sharing on gardening from you and KakDah in the coming year 2012. Happy New Year in advance!

  10. malar
    - thanks..., something had attacked tiny tomato seedlings, taking the top off leaving tiny stem and root. Luckily "the thing" spared 6 seedlings. Happy new year to you too...

  11. Your seedlings will grow in time to be transplanted for the coming Chinese New Year holiday. Selamat Tahun Baru.

  12. Bangchik and Kakdah, Happy New Year 2012 to you and family!

  13. beautiful seedling photos. I love your new header - I like your names and Malaysia underneath.

    Happy New Year to you both!

  14. I believe you have a new post today (2 Jan 2012) even when I use my refresh button I can't get my browser to change from your 27 December 2011 post!

    Regret that I'm missing a post of yours...wishing you the very best in the growing season ahead!

  15. Happy New Year Bangchik and Kakdah! It looks like you have a lot ready for planting. I also spent the holidays clearing and removing overgrown weeds and plants in the property, but i only finish a small patch, getting lots of scratches on legs and arms. Our area is not level so more difficult to manage.

  16. If you're the kind of person who only likes vegetables if they've been sliced into strips and deep fried then maybe you're not eating the most healthy diet. Sure, the government wants us to eat healthier and slogans such as "five a day" sound good in theory but never quite seem to happen in practice. Here are some ideas on how to eat more vegetables.

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