Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Passion fruit / markisa update 3

To start with I didn't do much to soil. I dug shallow about six inches, deep enough to put in the vines. I am not too worried since the vines had been in black polybag for almost six months, and they should be strong  to push out roots. Cloth lines become trellis, four green coated wires connecting both ends should be ok for the the vines to crawl and for tendrils to circle and grip.

Three vines on the left pole and only one on the right. So midway along the green wire should be their boundary.  So when the time comes for pruning, the vines would be cut back a yard or two before the midway. No pruning yet so far.

What can we say, since flowers look so exotic half through full bloom, and fruits dangling down look like real tropical paradise.

passion fruit bud, ready in a day two to open.

passion fruit flower half open

passion fruit flower half open

passion fruit flower

passion fruit flower

passion fruit flower

baby fruit: within days after flowering

little fruits getting bigger

little fruits getting bigger

fruits hanging




We had taken 3 fruits so far and 
we are waiting for the next one to turn yellowish.....

bangchik and kakdah
pasir gudang


  1. Thank you for giving a comment on my blogpost purple and pink flowers. I've read your blog with interest. I like reading about gardening in another part of the world, but I also use marigolds in my little vegetable garden and indeed they are attractive for snails.

    1. janneke....
      thanks. On earth nothing is wasted, a plant should be consumed by something else. So marigolds are meant for snails..

  2. Wow, very cool! I've seen the flower before, but didn't realize the fruit was edible. Lovely!


  3. geram... sungguh saya geram... geram tengok pokok markisa org lain berbuah lebat... yg saya punya jangan kata buah... daun pun tak lebat... :(

    1. Pada org tertentu kita curahkan kasih sayang.... pada markisa kita sepah2kan baja dikeliling perdu, curah air 2 kali sehari dan markisa mahu berjemur bawah matahari!

  4. bangchik...bunga markisa saya banyak..tapi tak jadi buah, bila bunga kuncup...kelopaknya gugur... apa masalahnya ekk?

    1. Disini pun ada jugak bunga yang gugur, bukan semuanya lekat buah. ceritanya markisa perlukan serangga untuk pendebungaan.

  5. I have passion vine growing wild in my yard. I love those flowers, mine hasn't bloomed yet. I am not sure that mine will fruit. It is nice to see what they look like.

    1. just watch closely, one of the many flowers later may develop fruits...

  6. My Grandfather used to grow the purple skinned variety of passionfruit. I do so love the flavor of this fruit.

  7. Mine grew so well, flowered, but the flowers will drop of and no fruits, pls help.....

    1. just wait for the flower that eventually evolve into fruits......

  8. I just started grow markisa from seeds 3 months ago. I place it under sturdy tree. Its already start climbing. Hope it be strong and bigger soon like yours

    1. wait for a year, you will see some flowers and fruits.

  9. Lovely to see the beautiful flowers and the fruits. Am waiting patiently for mine. Thanks for your advice.

  10. Keats, the other I tried to count them. Altogether 22 passion fruits at various stage. And pictures you sent, look like you are about to experience passion fruits bonanza!!

  11. Bangchik, kunjungan ke kampong orang tua sempena hari raya yg lepas berbaloi. Dengan satu perdu markisa saja yg ditanam oleh adik saya berbuah lebat. selain dari makan begitu saja higga puas saya dapat bawa balik ke KL untuk dimakan pagi-pagi ( buat cuci kerongkong )

  12. FCAD3D6225Louis43B90B7D3AJanuary 03, 2025 4:04 AM

    türk takipçi al


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