It is more of the limited space to grow plants and the intention to try out as many vegetables as I can, that it ended up as only three tomato plants this season. Many germinated, more than a dozen...., I let them stay in germinating tray for a week, until I am sure those transplanted on the ground grow without problem. That has always been the case with seedlings, there will be extra, and eventually end up as mulch.
I am trying something special as stakes. Electrical conduit cut into 4 ft lengths. They are equipped with caps, to avoid mosquito breeding in the conduits. It would be nice, if conduits come in all sort of colour, green, orange, blue.....
Tomato: three tied up to electrical conduits. [31.1.12] |
Tomato: buds already appearing [31.1.12] |
Tomato: White hairs protecting the young buds. [31.1.12] |
Tomato: tiny buds on third tomato plant [31.1.2012] |
Conduit: with cap on |
Conduit |
One tomato plant wilting
Today, out of a sudden one wilted. Kakdah noticed that while walking through the garden to the cloth lines. She texted me this " satu tomato udah layu..." or one tomato had wilted. I have seen this before, tomato plants deciding to end early, without signal, wilt, dry up and die over days. At the beginning, it looks normal wilting during hot weather. When only one plant suffers out of many, definitely that is not normal hot weather wilting......
Tomato wilting [3.2.2012 at 2.30pm] |
Three tomato plants to start with,
one is already suffering from verticillium wilt (I think) and
with spare seedlings all gone into compost heap, I am already thinking what to do with soon to be empty spot.... kale?, onions?, zinnia?, marigolds?......[ these are little seedlings waiting to be transplanted on designated locations.]
bangchik and kakdah
Pasir Gudang, Johor